وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 2
الفصل الدراسي : سنوي
الساعات المطلوبة : 90 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 3 ساعة

وصف المقرر

demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the molecular machinery of living cells; use basic laboratory skills and apparatus to obtain reproducible data from biochemical experiments; analyse, interpret, and participate in reporting to their peers on the results of their laboratory experiments; implement experimental protocols, and adapt them to plan and carry out simple investigations;

أهداف المقرر

the molecular architecture of eukaryotic cells and organelles, including membrane structure and dynamics; the metabolism of dietary and endogenous carbohydrate, lipid, and protein; the principles and major mechanisms of metabolic control and of molecular signalling by hormones; how the DNA in a genome is organized, replicated, and repaired; how genetic information in the DNA is selectively expressed as functional proteins;

مفردات المقرر

- Introduction to carbohydrate metabolism - Glycolysis and glycogenesi- Glycogenolysis and Glycogen storage diseases-Gluconeogenesis -citric acid cycle-Pentose phosphate pathway- Factors which maintain blood glucose level constant Metabolism in starvation and diabetes- - Biological oxidation- Oxidative phosphorylation , Respiratory chain-- Classification and Functions of lipids - Digestion and absorption of lipids.Fatty acid synthesis- Fatty acid oxidation- Ketogenesis- Phospholipid metabolism.- Glycolipid metabolism- Cholestrol metabolismPlasma lipids and Lipoprotein metabolism- Hyperlipidemias Eicosanoids-- The fat soluble vitamins- Vitamin A and-the visual cycle- Vitamin D metabolism and biochemical function- Vitamin E - the antioxidant theory- Vitamin K - mechanism of action incoagulation. - The water soluble vitaminsAscorbic acid-biochemical functions- Thiamin and enzymatic reactions- Riboflavin biochemical function - Niacin , function and importance- Pyridoxine, importance of transamination - pantothenic acid and coenzyme A- Biotin and its role.- Folic acid, function, metabolism and antagonism- Vitamin B12, mechanism of action arid anemia-Digestion of protein- Catabolism of amino acids- Urea cycle Detoxification of ammonia- Inborn errors f amino acid metabolism.- Breakdown of phenylalanine andtyrosine into acetoacetyl CoA - Conversion of amino acids into specialized products- Formation of chemicalneurotransmitters- Creatine synthesis and its conversion into creatinine.- Mechanism of action of hormones- Cell signaling Hypothalamic and posterior pituitary Hormones- Anterior pituitary Hormones - Catecholamine- Thyroid hormonesPTH Calcitonin- insulin& glucagon- Steroid hormones- Liver function tests- Renal function tests- Clinical Enzymology-- Clinical Enzymology- Cancer biochemistry: The stages of cell cycle- carcinogenesis, - Metabolic effects of cancer cells- tumor markers - Xenobiotics and detoxificationmechanisms- Metabolism of minerals:Ca&PO4- Metabolism of iron- Metabolism of Cu.Zn,Se- Metab

طرق التقييم

daily homeworks ( written by students`s own hands). daily quizes inside the lecture rooms. weekly quizes in the lab. monthly formal exam in the form of MCQ


lippincott illustrated reviews biochemistry Clinical Biochemistry and Metabolic Medicine by Crook