وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
علم الحاسوب 3
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 2
الفصل الدراسي : الأول
الساعات المطلوبة : 2 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 2 ساعة

وصف المقرر

Identify the most important features of the Word program and work on it, including Office Word (Word) Introduction to the word program What are the features of the program? How to create a new document How to save the document for the first time Text Formats Change font color, size and type Text alignment Paragraph numbering Change page orientation Add a frame to the page insert table Add rows and columns insert photos Resize photos insert shapes Change the color of the shape

أهداف المقرر

- Providing students with basic information in ready-made programs Like Microsoft Excel & PowerPoint. - Application of systems in practice in the laboratory.

مفردات المقرر

Identify the most important features of the Word program and work on it, including Office Word (Word) Introduction to the word program What are the features of the program? How to create a new document How to save the document for the first time Text Formats Change font color, size and type Text alignment Paragraph numbering Change page orientation Add a frame to the page insert table Add rows and columns insert photos Resize photos insert shapes Change the color of the shape

طرق التقييم

Methods of evaluation - Theoretical exam - Practical exam - Daily evaluation


Microsoft website )https://www.microsoft.com/ar-xm/windows/