وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
الفسلجة المرضية
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 2
الفصل الدراسي : الثاني
الساعات المطلوبة : 2 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 1 ساعة

وصف المقرر

This course is designed to provide the nursing students with a comprehensive knowledge of the basic concepts and principles in path physiology including cell injury, etiology of cell injury, stress-adaptation and coping, inflammation and immunity, neoplasia, lymphoproliferative disorders, infectious processes. The course also focuses on physiological alternations associated with various pathological conditions such as alterations in oxygen transport, homeostasis-blood flow-blood pressure and cardiac function, heart failure, and alteration in respiratory function.

أهداف المقرر

At the end of the course the student will be able to: Understand concepts related to path physiology (complex nature of disease) Recognize types of stressors, injuries and infectious agent. Understand the mechanism of disease (mechanism of body response) which includes: Stress, Inflammation and Neoplasia. Identify disorders related to major human body functions.

مفردات المقرر

Course Outline: Unit 1: Introduction and Definitions (2) hrs. Etiology classification. Pathogenesis. Clinical manifestation. Implication for treatment Unit 2: Cell injury (2) hrs. Reversible cell injury. Adaptation. Irreversible cell injury. Unit 3: Etiology of cellular injury (4) hrs. Hypoxic injury. Nutritional injury. Infectious injury. Chemical injury. Physical injury. Cellular injury. Unit 4: Stress, adaptation and coping (4) hrs. Definitions. General adaptation syndrome. Local adaptation syndrome. Coping. Unit 5: Inflammation and immunity. Definitions. Component of immune system. Non specific immunity of immune system. Inflammatory process. Inflammatory responses. Specific immunity. Change in the immune system during aging. Disorder of immune system Unit 6: Neoplasia (4) hrs. Definitions. Principles of cancer biology. Cancer host interaction. Cancer therapy. Cancer risk factors. Unit 7: Lymphoproliferative disorders (6) hrs. Leukemia. Hodgkin’s disease. Non Hodgkin’s disease. Multiple myeloma. Unit 8: Infectious processes (4) hrs. Definitions. Types of microorganisms. Host-parasite relationship. Manifestation of infection. Host factors that decrease resistant of infection. Unit 9: Alternation in oxygen transport, alternation in (6) hrs. Homeostasis-blood flow- blood pressure Alteration in oxygen transport. Gas transport and acid-base balance. Anemia. Polycythemia. Unit 10: Alteration in homeostasis and blood coagulation (4) hrs. Process of homeostasis. Evaluation of homeostasis and coagulation. Disorders of homeostasis.

طرق التقييم

1st theory exam 25 % 2nd theory exam 25 % Final exam 50% ----------------------------------------- Total 100 %


Copstead, L.E.C., Perspective on Pathophysiology, Philadelphia, W.B.Saunders company, 1995. McCance, K.L.,and S.E. Huether, Pathophysiology, 3rd ed., London, Mosby, 1998. Porth, C.M., Pathophysiology, 5th ed., New York, Lippincott, 1998. Price, S.A. and L.M. Wilson, Pathophysiology. 6th ed., London,     Mosby, 1997.