وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
Maternal & Neonate Health Nursing (Practices)2
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 3
الفصل الدراسي : الثاني
الساعات المطلوبة : 14 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 14 ساعة

وصف المقرر

Maternal and Child Health refer to philo-mother and child relationship to one another and consideration of the entire family as well as the culture and socio-economic environment as framework of the patient.It involves the care of the woman and family throughout pregnancy and childbirth and the health promotion and illness care for the children and families.

أهداف المقرر

Course goals: Objectives of the subject:- General objectives :-* The pupil can be able to know the general information about the maternity nursing. * Specific objectives:- 1- Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system. 2- Normal pregnancy, stages of pregnancy, normal labor and abnormal labor. 3- Complication of labor. 4- Puerperium and complication of puerperium. 5- Obstetrical examination and gynecology. 6- Newborn baby characteristics. 7- Lactation and complication of lactation. 8- Antenatal care.

مفردات المقرر

Implementation of certain procedures regarding women: (10) hrs. -Calculate body mass index (BMI. -Calculate gestational age (GA), (EDD). -Physical & obstetrical exam. -Monitoring fetal heart rate (FHR). -Monitoring uterine contractions. -Vaginal exam. For female students. -Breast examination for early detection of any abnormalities. -Certain investigation (Blood group & RH, Hb, urine test for albumin& sugar & pregnancy test). • Implementation of certain procedures regarding neonate: (15) hrs. -Weight, height, head & chest circumference -Apgar score ( first one & five minute) Clinical related skills: -- Prenatal & postpartum care - Labor & delivery for female student - Operating room (C / S, Gynecological operation - Emergency wards (PIH, UTI, PPH & APH) - Family planning unit - Neonate unit : Premature newborn, twin, RDS, Jaundice, Blood transfusion, newborn for high risk mother

طرق التقييم

-- Modified Lectures - Group discussion - Brain storming - Clinical in lab and in hospital through demonstration and remonstration lab. demonstrations & clinical Training


Resources and references - Maternal-Child Nursing: Susan L. Ward, 2009, Philadelphia. - Maternal-Neonatal Nursing: Stephanie C. Butkus, Fort Worth, 2015, Texas. - Maternal & Pediatric Nursing: Susan Scott Ricci, 2013, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.