وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
تمريض صحة المجتمع
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 4
الفصل الدراسي : الأول
الساعات المطلوبة : 3 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 12 ساعة

وصف المقرر

This course is designed to increase the students' level of understanding and orientation toward the family and the community health nursing related issues. Throughout this course, the students can present the family and the community with reasonable nursing care when the nursing process is applied and the students' role as care providers is performed.

أهداف المقرر

At the end of this course the students will able to: 1.Define the family. 2.Identify types, characteristics, roles and functions of the family. 3.Deal with issues and approaches of family health care. 4.Define community health nursing. 5.Identify the philosophy, characteristics, the scope, principles, and objectives of community health nursing. 6.Apply standards for community health nursing practice. 7.Perform the role and functions of community health nurse. 8.Understand the nursing process, epidemiological process, health education process, home visit process, and case management process.

مفردات المقرر

Introduction to Community Health Nursing: (2) hrs. Dimensions of Community Health Nursing: (2) hrs. Community Assessment: (2) hrs. Family Health Services: (2) hrs. Primary Health Care: (2) hrs. Maternal and child care Services (MCH): (4) hrs. The Home Visit Process: (2) hrs. Health Care of Aggregates: (2) hrs. School health Program: (2) hrs. Midterm Test Nutrition Health Services: (2) hrs. Occupational health Care Nursing service: (2) hrs. Home Health Care Nursing: (2) hrs.

طرق التقييم

-Daily quiz. -Daily report and seminar. -Monthly test. -Final test.


-1 Allender S, Spradley B, Community Health Nursing: Promoting and Protecting the Public Health, 6th ed., New York, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, A Wolters Kluwer Company, 2005. 1 Basa Vanthappa, B., Community Health Nursing. 1st ed., Bangalora, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Company, 2001. 2 Clark, M., Nursing in the Community: Dimensions of Community Health Nursing. 3rd ed., Standford, Asimon and Suchaster Company, 1999. 3 Stanhope, M. and Lancaster, J.: Community Health Nursing: Promoting Health of Aggregates, Families and Individuals. 4th ed., St. Louis, Mosby Publishing Company, 1996.