وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
علم النفس
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 4
الفصل الدراسي : الأول
الساعات المطلوبة : 1 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 1 ساعة

وصف المقرر

Course name: health psychology Course stage: four stage/ First Semester. Credit Hours: 2hours per week Course Calendar: Total (30) hours per 15 Week. Teacher name: hadeel saheeb ali Certificate: MSc. Psychatreic mental health nursing

أهداف المقرر

At the end of this course the students will able to: 1. introduction of health psychology 2.Identify Stress and stress managment 3.Identify The Emotions. 4.Identify Memory and forgetting. 5.Identify the Motivations. 6. Identify thinking 7. Identify personality 8. Identify Psychology Attention and Perception

مفردات المقرر

introduction of health psychology Identify Stress and stress management The Emotions Memory and forgetting Motivations. Mid term Thinking Personality Psychology Attention and Perception

طرق التقييم

Methods of teaching (theory) Lecture Discussion Methods of evaluation - Quizzes. -mid-term -Final-term.


Handbook of Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine 1st Edition