وصف المقرر

التدريسي :
القسم :
المادة الدراسية :
التغذية و التغذية العلاجية
رمز المقرر :
الوحدات :
المرحلة الدراسية : 3
الفصل الدراسي : الثاني
الساعات المطلوبة : 2 ساعة
الساعات الذاتية: 2 ساعة

وصف المقرر

The course focuses on the fundamental principles of human nutrition and applied nutrition (curative). The importance and role of good nutrition in building the human body is emphasized. The students can offer nutritional care according to the category of clients.

أهداف المقرر

After the Completion of the Course students should be able to: 1 Know the fundamental principles of human nutrition. 2 Identify the relationship between nutrition and body energy. 3 Recognize the specification and functions of different nutritional elements. 4 Understand the importance of applied nutrition (curative) as an essential part of the nursing care. 5 Assess types of nutrition according to the category of clients. 6 Assist in helping client adopt and enjoy eating the prescribed food

مفردات المقرر

Unit 1: Overview of nutrition, Assessment of nutritional Status: (2) hrs. 1 Meaning of nutrition & nutrients. 2 Classes of nutrient. 3 Factors that influence the food intake. 4 The role of diet in healthy status. Unit 2: Dietary references and diet- planning Guides: (2) hrs. 1 The basis for recommended dietary allowances (R.D.A). 2 The Food table (Food Consumption pattern). Unit 3: Metabolism of nutrients and energy balance: (2) hrs. 1 How the body deals with energy in take above on below requirements. 2 Food energy value (metabolisms). 3 The body energy expenditure and energy balance. 4 Type of measures related below and their strength and weakness. - Body mass index (BMI). - Body Circumference measurement. Unit 4: Carbohydrate (Sugar, starch, and Fiber): (2) hrs. 2 The chemistry of carbohydrate and fiber. 3 Digestion of the Carbohydrate. 4 Function of carbohydrate and fiber. 5 Requirements of Carbohydrate and fiber. 6 Sources of Carbohydrate and fiber. 7 Various health effect of dietary fiber. Unit 5: Lipids, Fats, Oil, Phospholipids, and Sterols: (2) hrs. 1 Mono, di and tri glyceride Phospholipids and Sterols. 2 The Families of essential fatty aids. 3 The function of lipids and essential Fatty acids. 4 Major sources of different types of dietary lipids. 5 Requirement of lipids. Unite 6: Protein and Amine Acids: (2) hrs. 1 Definition of protein and amino acids. 2 The function of protein. 3 Requirements of protein. 4 The protein quality. 5 Nitrogen balance and the suitable situation to be positive or negative. Unit 7: Vitamins: (2) hrs. 1 Water Soluble Vitamins. 2 Fat Soluble Vitamins. 3 The difference between water and Fat Soluble Vitamins. 4 The function of vitamins. 5 The function, deficiency, symptoms. Toxic eff

طرق التقييم

1- exam 2-quiz 3- report 4- seminar 5-homeworks


1 Grodner, Anders on. De young, Foundations and Clinical Application of Nutrition A Nursing Approach, second Edition, Mosby, 2000. 2 Grodner, Michele et.al, Foundations and Clinical Applications of Nutrition A Nursing Approach, St. Lweis, Mosby Inc,2004 3 Williams, Sue Rodwel and Eleanor D. Schlenker, Essentials of Nutrition and Diet Therapy, 8th ed., London, Mosby Inc., 2003.