Warith Al-Anbiyaa Students Begin Summer Training in Oman

A student delegation from the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) has commenced the summer training programme at the University of Nizwa in the Sultanate of Oman. The students received a warm welcome and were assigned to the Departments of Civil Engineering, Business Administration, and Accounting, where they embarked on their training journey to gain valuable academic and practical experiences.

Honoring Female Students by Supreme Religious Authority Representative

At a ceremony celebrating top students in Iraqi universities, the Women's Media Division at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) honoured the outstanding female students from the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) as well as all the organisations and individuals who made this initiative a success. His Eminence Sheikh Abdul Mahdi Al-Karbalai (may his glory be long), the legal guardian of the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH), the president of the university, Professor Dr. Ibrahim Saeed al-Hayawi, and several other religious, scientific, and academic figures were present.
During his address, Dr. Ibrahim Saeed Al-Hayawi conveyed his satisfaction with the involvement of female students from the engineering and medical faculties in this contest. Al-Hayawi praised the work of the Women's Media Division and the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) in advancing the ideal of the well-educated student who is dedicated to morality, humanity, and academics. He emphasised the significance of opposing foreign phenomena that attempt to spread negative models in society.
Al-Hayawi conveyed his immense joy at the students' triumph in the tournament and wished them well in their future endeavours and careers.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Prepares for Next Academic Year

At the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), development and construction projects are still ongoing in preparation for the upcoming academic year. Among these are direct efforts towards the ultimate completion of the university stadium, which demonstrates the university's commitment to giving its students access to a cutting-edge, integrated learning environment.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Opens Registration for Unified English Language Test

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) announces the opening of reservations for the Unified Iraqi National English Language test.
Students wishing to register for the National English Language Test on Tuesday, February 7, 2024, at 11:00 a.m. can apply by clicking on the link here
Important notes for the applicant:

Exam fees are payable in the university's finance department; note that exam fees are fifty thousand dinars for the first attempt and twenty-five thousand dinars for subsequent attempts. Once the exam fees are paid, the student will receive a receipt for the amount with their full name on it. It is best to inquire about the location of the university's finance department as soon as you enter the campus.


To confirm your reservation and wait for the test, proceed to the Continuous Education Centre on the third floor of the Al-Ula Building.


It is preferable to complete the procedures two hours before the start of the test.


It is necessary to bring the applicant's identification card.

University address: Holy Karbala, Karbala-Baghdad Road, near the tourist city of Sayed Al-Awsiyaa (PBUH) for visitors.
For more information, click here

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Sends Students to Oman for Summer Training

For the third year in a row, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) has sent a number of students for summer training to Arab universities. Dr. Haider Al-Ghanmi, Director of the Centre for Continuous Education, noted that this effort is part of a programme that allows Arab university students to exchange training opportunities.
According to Al-Ghanmi, some university students were transported to the University of Nizwa in the Sultanate of Oman for a month of summer training. This programme intends to improve students' practical abilities in their fields of specialisation, teach them about similar study programmes, and broaden their cultures in various sectors. The students will be trained alongside colleagues from diverse Arab countries, improving their cultural and cognitive communication skills.
Al-Ghanmi went on to say that the university has sent three students on scholarship this year from various areas, comprising the Departments of Business Administration, Accounting, and Civil Engineering. 

Ministry of Higher Education Launches Applications Windows

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has announced the launch of online applications for the two channels for amending nominations and accepting graduate students for the academic year 2022-2023. The submission comprises both the public channel and the channel for the martyrs' families, which can be done through the Studies, Planning, and Follow-up window.
( Open until the end of business hours on Thursday, July 25, 2024.
The Ministry clarified that students with the families of martyrs must activate their exam numbers through the Martyrs Foundation, while deferred or failed students must attend the university where they were accepted to change their candidature.
The Ministry also urged all students who were interested in applying to come to the university closest to their residence in order to pick up their pin codes in case they were lost and to bring along their official credentials and exam card.
For more ministry news, click here

College of Medicine Launches AI-Based Clinical Training Workshop

In the presence of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Professor Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun Al-Ghazi, the College of Medicine at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) held a workshop on "Digital Clinical Training with High-Resolution AI Simulation.
Dr. Ahmed Abdel Muslim, the college's medical education coordinator, explained that the workshop included training students on the digital or imaginary patient, in which students interact with developments in the medical condition, beginning with a medical history, clinical and laboratory examination, and ending with diagnosis and treatment. The programme also involves clinical exams and educational feedback. 

University President Inspects Construction and Development Work

The University President, Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, conducted an inspection tour inside the university's corridors to ensure ongoing field follow-up, which in turn improves the quality of the finished work. Al-Hayawi was briefed on the current state of development and construction projects, together with their completion rates. 

Vice President Inspects Final Exams Progress for Second Attempt

Professor Dr. Waqed Al-Moussawi, the vice president of the University for Scientific Affairs, conducted an inspection visit to monitor the status of the final exams (second attempt) for students in the university's departments and colleges.
Al-Mousawi wished the beloved students well on their examinations.

Jobs Announcements at Warith Al-Anbiyaa

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), The College of Science, announces its need for job positions in order to fulfil its long-term goals and bolster its teaching staff.
(Retired, not employed in public departments, and does not have a “code” (Federal Service Council)).
The following specialisations are needed:
Physics: Master’s or Ph.D.
Medical Physics: Master’s or Ph.D.
Life Sciences: Master’s or Ph.D.
Chemistry: Master’s or Ph.D.
Computer Science: Master’s or Ph.D.
Information Technology: Master’s or Ph.D.  
To apply, please fill out the form by clicking here

Jobs Announcements at Warith Al-Anbiyaa

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), the College of Law and Political Science, announces its need for job positions in order to fulfil its long-term goals and bolster its teaching staff.
(Retired, not employed in public departments, and does not have a “code” (Federal Service Council)).
The following specialisations are needed:
Political Science: Ph.D.
Private Law: Ph.D. (Fluent in English)
Arabic language: Master’s or Ph.D.
Computer Science: Master's or Ph.D.
To apply, please fill out the form here 

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Hosts Al-Ghadiriya Competition Promoting Religious Knowledge

The academic competition "Warith Al-Ghadiriya" was organised by the Department of Media and Government Communication in collaboration with the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) for both faculty members and students.
The competition included multiple questions concerning Imam Ali (PBUH) and Eid al-Ghadeer al-Aghar [The Greatest]. Additionally, Sheikh Jassim Shamkhi, an assistant lecturer at the College of Islamic Sciences, gave educational speeches about the Commander of the Faithful (PBUH) and this historic day. The winners of the competition received awards upon its completion. 

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Ranks 4th in 2023 Iraqi University Rankings

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research evaluated 95 public and private universities for the Iraqi rankings of universities, of which the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) placed fourth in its inaugural participation.
The ranking takes into account several parameters, including the effectiveness of scientific research at 30%, international rankings at 10%, institutional accreditation at 20%, and other elements including awards, faculty, community involvement, and infrastructure.
These achievements reflect the university’s commitment to academic and research excellence and emphasise its prominent role in promoting education and scientific research in Iraq. 

Education Minister Commends International Patent Holders

A letter of gratitude and appreciation was ordered to be sent to ministry personnel who had noteworthy worldwide patents by Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. These patents have formal government approval from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, Canada, and the European Union, according to the Ministry's Research and Development Department.
The department also stated that the ministry's formations will be in charge of using a platform specifically designed for this purpose to file patents on behalf of its members.
It can be accessed by clicking here
According to the Minister, this action fosters greater technical advancements that advance education and society at large while also strengthening the Ministry's position in scientific research and innovation.
For more details, click here to access the Ministry’s news

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Conducts Karbala's First IELTS Exam

Under the direction of Professor Dr. Waqid Al-Musawi, Vice President for Scientific Affairs, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) administered the computerised version of the British IELTS exam for the first time in Karbala on Tuesday, June 25, 2024. The British UniHouse organisation collaborated in the management of this exam.
The exam was finished satisfactorily and went for around three hours without any technical issues, according to Assistant Professor Dr. Haider Al-Ghanmi, Director of the IELTS Centre. The exam was successful because the university provided private laboratories with the newest technology. Another factor that helped was the amazing team that included the head of the Quality Assurance Department, Assistant Teacher Hussein Al-Ghanmi as well as Assistant Teacher Hussain Al-Mankoushi, Eng. Muhammad Ammar, Prog. Abbas Nouri, and staff members Hussam Al-Awaidi, and Fatima Al-Kasid, who worked very hard to make sure the exam went well.
It should be emphasised that the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) now owns a qualitative centre that meets international standards for administering IELTS exams. 

Inspection Tour for College of Nursing Assessment Exam

Professor Dr. Waqed Al-Musawi, the Vice President for Scientific Affairs, and Assistant Professor Dr. Laith Shaker Rashid, a member of the Ministerial Committee from the University of Karbala, conducted an inspection tour to monitor the status of the second round of the assessment examination for nursing students at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH).
Best wishes to all of our students for success. 

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Congratulates Islamic Nation on Allah’s Greatest Eid

The Messenger of Allah, the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH), said:
The day of Ghadeer Khumm is the best holiday of my nation, and it is the day on which Allah Almighty commanded me to appoint my brother Ali bin Abi Talib as a leader for my nation, by whom they will be guided after me. It is the day on which Allah perfected the religion, completed His blessing upon my nation, and approved Islam as their religion.
*Al-Amali (by Al-Saduq), p.126
Congratulations on the Greatest Eid of Allah, Eid Al-Ghadeer Al-Ghar [The Glorious]. May Allah strengthen our allegiance to the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (PBUH).

Islamic Sciences Dean Participates in Thesis Discussion at University of Babylon

Assistant Professor Dr. Talal Al-Kamali, the dean of the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), was selected to serve on the committee to discuss a master's thesis for a graduate student in the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Babylon.
The Deanship of the College wished Dr. Talal Al Kamali great success and expressed its gratitude and admiration for his efforts. 

Jobs Announcements at Warith Al-Anbiyaa

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), the College of Administration and Economics, announces its need for job positions in order to fulfil its long-term goals and bolster its teaching staff.
(Retired, not employed in public departments, and does not have a “code” (Federal Service Council)).
The following specialisations are needed:
Accounting: Master's or Ph.D.
Business Administration: Master's or Ph.D.
Arabic Language: Master’s or Ph.D.
Financial and Banking Sciences: Master’s or Ph.D.
Law: Master's or Ph.D.
Computers: Master's or Ph.D.
Statistics: Master's or Ph.D.
English language: Master’s or Ph.D.
Economics: Master's or Ph.D.
Petroleum Engineering: Master's or Ph.D.
Environmental Engineering: Master's or Ph.D.
To apply, enter to fill out the form

Financial Prizes for Al-Ghadeer Competition Winners

In honour of Allah's Greatest Eid, Eid Al-Ghadeer Al-Aghar [The Glorious], the College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, in collaboration with the Department of Media and Government Communication, presented the "Warith Al-Ghadiriya Competition."
Financial prizes were prepared for the winners of the competition.
It’s worthy to note that at precisely nine o'clock in the morning, the competition took place at the university library. 

College of Nursing Reviews Accreditation Requirements

In order to implement the best quality standards, the Dean of the College of Nursing, Professor Dr. Murtada Al-Jubouri, met with quality representatives in the College of Nursing.
The meeting reviewed programmatic accreditation requirements and created plans to start training and qualifying in line with national standards and the programmatic accreditation requirements for Iraqi nursing colleges. 

Warith Al-Anbiyaa Hosts Workshop on Ministerial Biometric System

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's (PBUH) Department of Administrative and Financial Affairs, in collaboration with the Department of Registration and Student Affairs, organised a training workshop titled "Ministerial Teacher Management System" to educate those who authorise the ministerial biometric fingerprint in the university's colleges and departments.
The workshop covered fingerprint requirements and issues faced by credentialed individuals and established suitable solutions for these issues.

Accounting Department Honored for First Place in Joint Exam

The head of the Accounting Department was honoured by Professor Dr. Awad Al-Khalidi, Dean of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), on their achievement of taking first place in the joint exam held in the Holy City of Karbala among public and private universities. 

Engineering Student Wins 'Read' Competition at Imam Hussein Holy Shrine

Zahraa Ibrahim Mahdi, a student in the Biomedical Engineering Department at the College of Engineering, accomplished a noteworthy feat by taking first place in the "Read" competition, which was held at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein (PBUH) and organised by the Human Resources Development Department.
At the invitation of the Human Resources Development Department, Dr. Mahdi Al-Saadi, Head of the Department of Media and Government Communication, attended the honouring event on behalf of the university presidency.
In the same context, Dr. Hammam Abdel Abbas, Head of the Student Activities Department, was honoured for his invaluable contributions to the competition.
