م.د سلام جبار حسين سويد

تاريخ الميلاد




الاختصاص العام والدقيق

هندسة نفط - مكامن

البريد الإلكتروني


الجامعة المانحة للشهادة


اللقب العلمي

مدرس دكتور


قسم النفط والغاز

محاضر فی عدد من الجامعات المحليه والعربيه واالجنبيه ومنها الجامعه التكنلوجيه وجامعه سوران وجامعه كويا والجامعه االمريكيه فی دهوك وجامعه الشرق االوسط التكنلوجيه فی قبرص(Middle Esat Technical University)الروسية بيرم والية (Perm State University)


  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Pressure distributions and flow regimes: An integrated approach for CO2 Sequestration Project Design and Evaluation. In press, Journal of Gas Science and Engineering, 2024.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi; Jalal Owayed. New approach for the performance of reservoirs depleted by Long horizontal wellbores with closed sections. In press, Petroleum Research, 2024.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. New approach for decline curve analysis of unconventional fractured reservoirs: Rate-normalized flow rate derivative concept. In press, Petroleum Research, 2024.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Skin factor consideration in decline curve analysis. SPE Journal, February, 29(05), 2024. https://doi.org/10.2118/219451-PA
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. A review of modern approaches of digitalization in oil and gas industry. Upstream oil and gas technology 1120(23).

        https://doi.org/10.1016/j.upstre. 2023.100098

  • Salam Al-Rbeawi; Amani J. Majeed. The impact of the spatial and temporal variability of physical and petrophysical properties on conventional reservoir performance. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 15(21), 1641. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-022-10922-9
  • Joshua Mugisha; Salam Al-Rbeawi; Emre Artun. Analytical models of flow regimes during cyclic CO2 injection in hydraulically fractured tight reservoirs for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of petroleum science & engineering, 201(2021). org/10.1016/j.petrol.2021.108385
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Rate and pressure behavior considering the fractal characteristics of structurally disordered fractured reservoirs. Journal of petroleum exploration & production.11(2021). DOI: 10.1007/s13202-020-00999-x
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Flow Regimes-Based Inflow Performance Relationships of Unconventional Fractured Reservoirs. SPE Production & Operation, 35(03), 2020. doi:10.2118/198910-PA
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. The performance of complex-structure fractured reservoirs considering natural and induced matrix block size, shape, and distribution. Journal of natural gas science & engineering, 81(2020). org/10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103400
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. The impact of spatial and temporal variability of anomalous diffusion flow mechanisms on reservoir performance in structurally complex porous media. Journal of natural gas science & engineering, 78(2020). org/10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103331
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi, Fadhil S. Kadhim, Ghanim M Farman. Integrated approach for non-Darcy flow in hydraulic fractures considering different fracture geometries and reservoir characteristics. Upstream Oil & Gas Technology Journal, 5(2020). org/ 10.1016 /j.upstre. 2020.100011.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi, Moahmmed Hliyil Hafiz Al-Kaabi. A hybrid model for the combined impact of non-Darcy flow, stimulated matrix permeability, and anomalous diffusion flow in the unconventional reservoirs. Upstream Oil & Gas Technology Journal, 5(2020). org/ 10.1016 /j.upstre. 2020.100020.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi, Jalal Owayed. Fluid flux through matrix-fracture interface: Discretizing hydraulic fractures for coupling matrix Darcy flow and fracture non-Darcy flow. Journal of natural gas science & engineering, 73(2020). org/10.1016/j.jngse.2020.103061
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Pseudo-steady State Inflow Performance Relationship of Reservoirs Undergoing Multiphase Flow and Different Wellbore Conditions. Journal of natural gas science & engineering, 68(2019). org/10.1016/j.jngse.2019.102912
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Integrated deterministic approach for productivity index, shape factor, and inflow performance relationship of reservoirs drained by horizontal wells and undergoing multiphase flow conditions. Journal of natural Gas science and Engineering, 64 (2019). org/10.1016/j.jngse.2019.01.024
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Transient and Pseudo-Steady-State Inflow Performance Relationships for Multiphase Flow in Fractured Unconventional Reservoirs. Transport in porous media, 126 (03), 2019. org/10.1007/s11242-018-1194-z
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Bivariate Log-Normal Distribution of Stimulated Matrix Permeability & Block Size in Fractured Reservoirs: Proposing New Multi-Linear Flow Regime for Transient State Production. SPE Journal, 23 (04), 2018. https://doi.org/10.2118/189993-PA
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Productivity Index Behavior for Hydraulically Fractured Reservoirs Depleted by Constant Production Rate Considering Transient and Semi-Steady State Conditions. SPE Production & Operation Journal, 33(04), 2018. https://doi.org/10.2118/ 189989-PA
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Revisiting current techniques for analyzing reservoir performance: New approach for horizontal wells pseudo-steady state productivity index. SPE Journal, 24(01), 2019, pp.71-91. https://doi.org/10.2118/191139-PA
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Performance-Based Comparison for Fractal Configured Tight and Shale Gas Reservoirs with and without Non-Darcy Flow Impact. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 21(04), 2018. https://doi.org/10.2118/194011-PA
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi; Artun, Emre. Fishbone Type Horizontal Wellbore Completion: A Study for Pressure Behavior, Flow Regimes, and Productivity Index. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 176 (2019). org/10.1016/j.petrol.2018.12.076
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Analyzing and Characterizing Horizontal Well Performance in Rectangular Closed Gas Reservoirs Considering Non-Darcy Flow. International Journal of Oil, Gas, Coal Technology, 24(03), 2020. org/10.1504/IJOGCT.2020.107552
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Deep Insight to Pressure Behavior and Stabilized Productivity Index of Multilateral Wells in laterally and Spatially Anisotropic Reservoirs. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 54, (2018). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2018.04.008
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Multi-Media Reservoirs Depleted by Horizontal Wells: Analysis of Pressure Behaviors, and Rate Transient Accompanied by Developing Analytical Models for Flow regimes. International Journal of Oil, Gas, Coal Technology, 23(01), 2020. org/10.1504/IJOGCT.2020.104970.
  • Salam Al- Restoring disrupted data by wellbore storage effect using analytical models & type curve matching. International Journal of Oil, Gas, Coal technology. 19 (02), 2018. doi.org10.1504/IJOGCT.2018.094542
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Integrated analysis of pressure response using pressure rate convolution and deconvolution techniques for varied flow rate production in fractured formation. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 51 (2018).


  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. The optimal reservoir configuration for maximum productivity index of gas reservoirs depleted by horizontal wells under Darcy and non-Darcy flow Conditions. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 49 (2018).


  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Fadhil S. Kadhim. Hydraulically fractured formations: Parameters controlling performance and maximum number of fractures. Engineering & technology journal, Vol. 35 Part A, No. 8, (2017).
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. How much stimulated reservoir volume and induced matrix permeability could enhance unconventional reservoir performance. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 46 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2017.08.017
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Analysis of Pressure Behaviors and Flow Regimes of Naturally and Hydraulically Fractured Unconventional Gas Reservoirs Using Multi-Linear Flow Regimes Approach. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 45 (2017).


  • Salam Al-Rbeawi; Jalal F. Owayed. Pressure-Rate convolution and deconvolution response for fractured conventional and unconventional reservoir using new decline rate model. Petroleum, 5(03), 2019. org/10.1016/j.petlm.2018.10.001
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi; Fadhil S. Kadhim. Practical solution for stabilized pseudo-steady state productivity index of multiple vertical wells depleting closed reservoirs. Petroleum, 6(01), 2020. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm.2018.10.002
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Fadhil S. Kadhim. The Impact of Hydraulic Flow Units & Reservoir Quality Index on Pressure Profile and Productivity Index in Multi-Segments Reservoirs. Petroleum, 03 (04), 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm.2017.09.001
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. Analytical Models & Type-Curve Matching Techniques for Reservoir Characterization Using Wellbore Storage Dominated Flow Regime. Petroleum, 03 (04), 2017. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm.2017.05.004
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. New Technique for Determining Rate-Dependent Skin Factor and non-Darcy flow Coefficient. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 35/A (2016). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jngse.2016.09.028
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D.: Effect of the Number and Length of Zonal Isolations on Pressure Behavior of Horizontal Wells. International Journal of Petroleum Engineering and Technology, V.1, N.1, 2014. doi: 1504/IJPE.2014.059400.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Predicting Productivity Index of Hydraulically Fractured Formations. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, December, (112) 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2013.11.004
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. New Application for Well Test analysis: Locating Closed Perforation Zones and Damaged Sections. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, November, (111) 2013. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.petrol.2013.08.035
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Pressure Behaviors and Flow Regimes of a Horizontal Well with Multiple Inclined Hydraulic Fractures. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, Vol. 6, Nos. 1/2, 2013. doi: 1504/IJOGCT.2013.050772
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Impacts of Boundaries, Fracture dimensions, and Penetration Ratio on Pressure Behavior and Flow Regimes of Hydraulically Fractured Formations. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology. 04 (01), 2014, doi:10.1007/s13202-013-0070-1
  • Jalal Owayed, Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Easy Technique for Calculating Productivity Index of Horizontal Wells. Journal of Engineering Research-Kuwait University, Vol. 1, (1) June, 2013, P. 335-358.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi. A View for Prospective EOR Projects in Iraqi Oil Fields. Universal Journal of Petroleum Sciences, (1) 2013, P.39-67.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Transient Pressure Analysis of Horizontal Wells in a Multi-Boundary System. American Journal of Engineering Research, V. 2, No. 4, P. 44-66, April, 2013.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Pressure Behavior of Partially Penetrating Multiple Hydraulic fractures. Energy and Environment Research Journal, Vol. 2, No. 1, June, 2012.
  • Salam Al-Rbeawi & Tiab, D. Analytical Models for Pressure Behavior of a Horizontal Well with Multiple Inclined Hydraulic Fractures. Canadian Energy Technology and Innovation Journal, V.1, No. 1, 2012.

Books & Chapters

  • Al-Rbeawi, Salam & Tiab, D. Impacts of Boundaries, Fracture dimensions, and Penetration Ratio on Pressure Behavior and Flow Regimes of Hydraulically Fractured Formations. Chapter 3, Encyclopedia of Petroleum Exploration and Production, Volume II, University Publishing, New York, NY, USA, 2018, ISBN: 978-1-9789-0812-3.
  • Al-Rbeawi, Salam. Reservoir characterization: Moving back and forth from microscopic to gigascopic scale. Chapter 1, Energy and Science compendium, Volume 3, Studium Press, Houston, TX, USA, 2015, ISBN: 1-62699-061-1.


1- جمعية مهندسي النفط الدولية

2- جمعية المهندسين والعلماء الاوربيه

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