Asst. Professor Hayder Mohammed Ali Ali Kadim

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence


University granting the Degree


Academic Title

Asst. Professor


College of Science

Hayder M. A. Ghanimi is currently directing the IT department at the college of science, Warith Al-Anbyiaa University, Iraq. He is also heading the Continuing Education Centre at
Warith Al-Anbyiaa University. He obtained his both M.Sc. and PhD degrees in Artificial Intelligence from
the Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia. His research interest is in modelling human psychological and
cognitive behaviours to create human-like technologies that can assist people intuitively, proactively, and
in a social manner. He authored and co-authored several highly impacted publications in the field of

Artificial Intelligence including Dynamic Modelling, Human-Robot Interaction, Optimization, Agent-
Based Modelling, and Cognitive Modelling. 

A Cognitive Agent Model of Burnout for Front-line Healthcare Professionals in Times of COVID-19 Pandemic

School of Computing (SOC) - Human Centered Computing Lab


Advanced Android Programming 

Object Oriented Programming 

Information Technology 

Professional Ethics 

Digital Logic 


  • ادوات الذكاء الاصطناعي في نشر البحث العلمي
  • اخلاقيات النشر العلمي الرصين
  • نظام التعليم الالكتروني ومسار بولونيا
  • المراسلات الإدارية من خلال البريد الالكتروني