Personal Information:
Name Dr. Fahad Mghemish Huzayran Al-Shammari
Scientific Title Assistant Professor Doctor
Nationality Iraqi
Religion Muslim
Date of Birth 1/7/1982
Marital Status Married
Gender Male
Academic Qualifications:
Qualification Specialization Grade/Estimate Place of Issue Year of Obtaining
Bachelor of Economics Karbala 2005
Master of Economics Karbala 2010
PhD Economics Karbala 2015
Assistant Professor Doctor of Economics/Financial Policies Karbala 2020
Practical Experience: (Number of Years)
Job Specialization Period Place Supervising Authority
External Lecturer 2010-2016 University of Karbala
Director of the Center for Continuing Education and Quality Assurance 2015-2016 Hilla University College
Head of the Department of Economics 1/6/2016-1/11/2017 Hilla University College
Head of Accounting Department 13/3/2018-9/11/2019 Warith Al-Anbia University
Head of Administration Department 9/11/2019-7/10/2021 Warith Al-Anbia University
Assistant Dean for Scientific and Administrative Affairs 2021 and ongoing Warith Al-Anbia University
Head of Oil and Gas Economics Department 2023 and ongoing Warith Al-Anbia University
Skill Place
Member of many committees at the college and university levels Warith Al-Anbia University and Hillah University College
Member of examination committees for 9 years Warith Al-Anbia University and Hillah University College
Member of five committees to discuss a higher diploma research at Karbala University
Evaluation of many researches in scientific journals at Karbala University, Warith University and Al-Muthanna University
Evaluation of scientific research for promotion to lecturer at Karbala University
Evaluation of scientific research for promotion to assistant professor at Imam Al-Kadhim College
Reviewer of many Survey forms for master's theses
Obtaining many certificates of participation in conferences, courses and scientific seminars at the level of local and international universities
Member of scientific committees for many conferences, Warith Al-Anbia University, Al-Muthanna University, Ibn Khaldun College
Head of the preparatory committee for conferences of the College of Administration and Economics for two consecutive years, Warith Al-Anbia University
Member of the editorial board of Warith Scientific Journal, Warith Al-Anbia University
Scientific evaluator of many master's theses and doctoral dissertations, University of Karbala, Al-Muthanna University, University of Iraq, Al-Qadisiyah University, University of Nahrain
Member of the discussion committee for many master's theses, University of Karbala, Al-Muthanna University
Lecturer in many courses and workshops, Warith Al-Anbia University
Faculty member for more than 15 subjects, University of Karbala - Hillah University College - Warith Al-Anbia University
Obtaining many letters of thanks and appreciation from the Minister, university presidents, deans and other ministries
Research title, place of publication
Analysis of the impact of fiscal policy on some indicators of sustainable development in Iraq For the period (1990-2013) JOURNAL of ADMINISTRATIVE AND ECONOMICS
Analysis of sustainable development indicators in Iraq for the period (1990-2013) JOURNAL of ADMINISTRATIVE AND ECONOMICS
The Impact of Crowding Out of the
Government Sector on Private
Investment: A Case of Iraq International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change
Imbalance of the productive structure and its effect on
fluctuating government spending (Iraq case study) International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,
Governmental policies in Iraq between
increasing rentier nature and weak economic diversification and their impact on economic
stability for the period(2004-2018) International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,
Foreign currency auction as an alternative to open market operations Journal of Babylon University of Economic Sciences
Local sustainable development, mechanisms, obstacles Warith Scientific Journal
Determinants of country bias towards stocks and the Corona pandemic Journal Entrepreneurship and Business
Factors Affecting Economic Literacy Warith Scientific Journal
The impact of organizational agility on high performance, a survey study of the opinions of a sample of employees in the General Company for Automotive Industry in Babylon Governorate, the scientific conference of the University of Karbala
The impact of economic education on economic literacy
A prospective study of a sample of respondents Eximia Journal
The role of green banking mechanisms in increasing the productivity of cognitive work for banking institutions: An analytical study of the opinions of a sample of Iraqi bank managers, Al-Kunooz University College
The impact of leadership agility on the flexibility of organizational adaptation
Book title Place of publication
Financial policies and their impact on sustainable development, measurement and analysis Dar Al-Ayyam for Publishing and Distribution
Country Governorate Phone number Email
Iraq Karbala 07702758954