Thirty years of teaching at Iraqi universities (Karbala University, Baghdad University, Kufa University, Qadisiyah University, Warith of the prophets University)
Thirty years of teaching at Iraqi universities (Karbala University, Baghdad University, Kufa University, Qadisiyah University, Warith of the prophets University)
The Role Of Cost Technology Based On Time-Driven Characteristics In Achieving The Competitive Advantage Of Economic Units
Balancing the time-oriented product life cycle and its role in achieving competitive advantage
Modeling Effective Budgeting and Production ForSustainable Competitive Advantage: Evidence from Kufa Cement Factory, Iraq
A proposed model for the integration of CP and TDABBL technologies and its reflection on achieving sustainable competitive advantage
The role of time-oriented resource consumption accounting technology in product cost rationalization
Iraqi Association of accountants and auditors
Management accounting
Advanced cost accounting 1 and 2
Advanced finance
Advanced cost accounting
Advanced Management Accounting
Advanced cost accounting
1-representation of the syndicate of accountants and auditors in Babylon "preparation of cash flow statements"
2-Organization of accounts in accordance with international accounting standards
Practical applications about cost accounting at Karbala University