First Stage / Group B:
- Mathematics for Business: Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
- Basics of Accounting: Assist. Lecturer Ayat Muhammad
- Basics of Business Administration: Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed
- Principles of Economics 1: Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
- English Language: Assist. Lecturer Mayada Aziz / Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed / Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
First Stage / Group A:
- Basics of Accounting: Assist. Lecturer Ayat Muhammad
- Mathematics for Business: Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
- English Language: Assist. Lecturer Mayada Aziz / Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed / Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
- Basics of Business Administration: Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed
- Principles of Economics 1: Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
- Arabic Language
Daily Schedule:
- 08:30-09:30: Mathematics for Business – Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
- 09:30-10:30: Basics of Accounting – Assist. Lecturer Ayat Muhammad
- 10:30-11:30: English Language – Assist. Lecturer Mayada Aziz
- 11:30-12:30: Basics of Business Administration – Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed
- 08:30-09:30: Mathematics for Business – Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
- 09:30-10:30: Basics of Accounting – Assist. Lecturer Ayat Muhammad
- 10:30-11:30: Principles of Economics 1 – Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
- 08:30-09:30: Mathematics for Business – Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
- 09:30-10:30: Basics of Accounting – Assist. Lecturer Ayat Muhammad
- 10:30-11:30: Arabic Language
- 08:30-09:30: Basics of Business Administration – Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed
- 09:30-10:30: Principles of Economics 1 – Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
- 08:30-09:30: Principles of Economics 1 – Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
- 09:30-10:30: Mathematics for Business – Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
- 10:30-11:30: Arabic Language
Evening Study:
First Stage / Evening Study:
Basics of Accounting: Assist. Lecturer Ayat Muhammad
Mathematics for Business: Assist. Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nabil Al-Haboubi
English Language:
- 02:30-03:30: Assist. Lecturer Mayada Aziz
- 03:30-04:30: Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed
- 04:30-05:30: Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
Basics of Business Administration:
- 02:30-03:30: Assist. Lecturer Maryam Jamil Ahmed
- 03:30-04:30: Assist. Prof. Dr. Fhad Al-Shammari
Principles of Economics 1:
- 04:30-05:30: Assist. Prof. Dr. Saleh Majid
Arabic Language:
- 05:30-06:30: Assist. Prof. Dr. Saleh Majid