College of Medicine laboratories | WARITH AL-ANBIYAA UNIVERSITY

Anatomy lab

The anatomy laboratory at the College of Medicine, Warith Al-Anbiya University, is one of the main laboratories and lessons for students of the Faculty of Medicine and future doctors.

What makes it special is the combination of the theoretical explanation given by the professor and the illustrations with the models and skeletons that somewhat resemble the real human body (or the corpse prepared for the purposes of the study) in addition to the platform or the electronic board that displays the anatomical material in the form of a three-dimensional image with The possibility of identifying each organ or organ separately by the professor and also by the students, and thus the goal is achieved, which is to communicate the information easily and smoothly, and it is also easy to understand and memorize by the students … The anatomy laboratory is considered complementary to the theoretical materials that are given in the form of lectures Electronic.