1- (Distinguishing the trustworthy from the untrustworthy in the shared narrators among the Imami scholars/ an applied study)
2- The Miracle of the Qur’an: A Study in Light of the Cognitive Foundation of the Term
3- mashayikh aibn qawlawyh fi kamil alziyarat (An analytical study)
4- The concept of fraud among the modernists of the alfariqayni- a comparative study
5- Verbal origins: authenticity of truth and generality/inferential study
6- The difference among the men of hadith in the single narrator / An applied study in the dictionary of men of hadith
7- The Concept of the Supernatural (A study in the light of the cognitive system for the reality of authentications)
1-Hadith science 2- Jurisprudence of Transactions
3- Grammar
4- Principles of Jurisprudence
5- Methods of Interpreters
6- Jurisprudence of Worship
1- Cognitive mechanisms in understanding the Quranic text 2- The concept of supernaturalism in miracles 3- Questioning in the Holy Quran 4- The duality of optimism and surrender and their role in the individual's life 5- Psychological poisoning