Purchasing food baskets in cooperation with poor and needy families

Purchasing food baskets in cooperation with poor and needy families

Purchasing food baskets in cooperation with poor and needy families

In cooperation with the Student Activities Department at the university, the Student Activities Department at the College of Islamic Sciences launched a volunteer campaign within the university to purchase food baskets in cooperation with poor and needy families. The campaign witnessed wide participation from college students and faculty members, who donated their financial contributions or participated in fundraising.

The mechanism for collecting donations and delivering them to the deanships or the student activities department at the university has been organized to ensure their distribution in an organized and effective manner. These joint efforts resulted in securing food baskets that were distributed to families in need, which contributed to alleviating the burden of living on many families during the holy month of Ramadan.

This campaign reflects the volunteer and solidarity spirit among members of the university community, and promotes human and social values that encourage helping others in difficult circumstances.