Continuing the practical steps for

 In preparation for qualifying and training students and graduates of the Biomedical Engineering Department and their employment at the "Warith Dairman Center for Prosthetics," which is affiliated with the Holy Al-Abbas Holy Shrine, a team from the Warith Center for Leadership, Innovation, and Development visited the "Warith Dairman Center for Prosthetics." They met with the center's assistant director, Engineer Haider Al-Quraini, and discussed ways of cooperation in the field of qualifying, training, and employing students and graduates of the Biomedical Engineering Department through workshops and training courses. Additionally, they discussed supporting and promoting innovation in the field of prosthetic manufacturing. It is worth mentioning that the Warith Center for Leadership, Innovation, and Development continues its visits and cooperation agreements with several institutions affiliated with the Holy Al-Abbas Holy Shrine and private companies as part of its program to qualify, train, and employ university students.