Asst. Lecturer Zahraa Kareem Kadhim

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Civil Engineering - Civil Engineering


University granting the Degree

University of Kerbala

Academic Title

Asst. Lecturer


Department of civil engineering

Lecturer in the Faculty of Civil Engineering / Fourth Stage

Trends, forecasting and adaptation strategies of climate change in the middle and west regions of Iraq. SN Appl. Sci. 5, 312 (2023). 

Effect of climate change on the flooding of storm water networks under extreme rainfall events using SWMM simulations: a case study. Model. Earth Syst. Environ. 10, 4129–4161 (2024).

Optimal rainwater harvesting locations for arid and semi-arid regions by using MCDM-based GIS techniques. Heliyon (2025).

GIS‑based multi‑criteria decision making for identifying rainwater
harvesting sites.

Iraqi Engineers Syndicate

Hydrology  I

Hydrology  II

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Training Course