Lecturer Hussein AbdulKareem Saleh Saheb

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Electrical Engineering - Power Engineering



University granting the Degree

University of West bohemia

Academic Title



Department of biomedical engineering

I hold a Ph.D. in Electrical Power Engineering from the University of West Bohemia, where I developed expertise in the energy sector, particularly in district cooling and heating. My academic journey has been enriched by publishing several research articles that contribute to advancing knowledge in these areas. I have also focused on creating and optimizing integrated energy systems by developing mathematical and simulation models, enabling innovative solutions for sustainable energy challenges. My work bridges theoretical research and practical applications, addressing critical issues in modern energy systems.

[1] ABUSHAMAH, H.A.S., MAŠATA, D., JIŘIČKOVÁ, J., ŠKODA, R. Optimization of Sizing and Operation of a Nuclear District Heating System Using Teplator, Gas Boiler and Heat Storage. In Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2022). Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2022. s. „910.1"-„910.8". ISBN: 978-961-6207-53-9.

[2] ABUSHAMAH, H. A. S., HAGHIFAM, M., BOLANDI, T. G. A novel approach for distributed generation expansion planning considering its added value compared with centralized generation expansion. Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2021, roč. 25, č. March 2021, s. 1-18. ISSN: 2352-4677.

[3] ABUSHAMAH, H.A.S., JIŘIČKOVÁ, J., ŠKODA, R. Nuclear Based Approach for Multi Energy Applications. In Elektrotechnika a informatika 2021. Elektrotechnika, elektronika, elektroenergetika. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2021. s. 5-8. ISBN: 978-80-261-1019-4.

[4] ABUSHAMAH, H.A.S., JIŘIČKOVÁ, J., ŠKODA, R., MAŠATA, D. Evaluating the TEPLATOR concept as a nuclear heating solution compared with other alternatives in the Czech Republic. In Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2021). Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2021. s. 210.1-210.8. ISBN: 978-961-6207-51-5.

[5] ŠKODA, R., ABUSHAMAH, H.A.S. Nuclear solution for district cooling and its benefits on the power system. In Proceedings of ICAPP 2021. Abu Dhabi: Khalifa University, 2021. s. 1-9.

[6] ABUSHAMAH, H. A. S., MAŠATA, D., MÜLLER, M., ŠKODA, R. Economics of reusing spent nuclear fuel by Teplator for district heating applications. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 2022, roč. 46, č. 5, s. 5771-5788. ISSN: 0363-907X.

[7] ABUSHAMAH, H. A. S., BURIAN, O., ŠKODA, R. Design and Operation Optimization of a Nuclear Heat-Driven District Cooling System. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENERGY RESEARCH, 2023, roč. Volume 23, ISSN: 0363-907X.

[8] ABUSHAMAH, H. A. S., ŠKODA, R. Nuclear energy for district cooling systems - Novel approach and its eco-environmental assessment method. ENERGY, 2022, roč. 250, č. July 2022, s. 1-19. ISSN: 0360-5442.

[9] MAŠATA, D., ABUSHAMAH, H.A.S., JIŘIČKOVÁ, J., ŠKODA, R. Nuclear Power for the Decarbonization of the District Heating Sector in the Czech Republic. In Proceedings of the International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe (NENE 2022). Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2022. s. „1201.1"-„1201.8". ISBN: 978-961-6207-53-9.

[10] Abushamah, Hussein Abdulkareem Saleh, Ondrej Burian, Dipanjan Ray, and Radek Škoda. "Integration of district heating systems with small modular reactors and organic Rankine cycle including energy storage: Design and energy management optimization." Energy Conversion and Management 322 (2024): 119138.

I am an active reviewer for Elsevier’s and Web of Science academic journals.

Electrical Circuits

Digital Electronics




International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Poster presentation.

International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

Online attendance and presentation.

International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Poster presentation.

French-Czech-Slovak Summer School,

Czech Republic -Třebíč.


Nuclear days, University of West Bohemia

Presentation and poster.

Nuclear days, University of West Bohemia


PILSMR International Workshop


International Conference Nuclear Energy for New Europe. Ljubljana: Nuclear Society of Slovenia

Oral presentation.