Lecturer Ihab omar abass talib

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

mechanical engineering - refrigeration and air conditioning-thermal



University granting the Degree

university of technology

Academic Title



College of engineering
  • PhD Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Thermal Branch/ University of Technology (2024).
  • Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering / Air conditioning and Refrigeration Branch/ University of Technology, grade 76 % (2014).
  • Bachelor's Degree in mechanical engineering, Kufa University, grade 65 % (2010).

Improvement of heat transfer by using porous media, nanofluid, and fins: A review‏

A numerical investigation of the increase in heat transfer in a half-cylindrical container filled with phase change copper rods

Experimental and theoretical comparison between metallic and mirror reflectors with different receiver tank

A Comprehensive Review of Design and Operational Parameters Influencing Airlift Pump Performance

Using total equivalent temperature difference approach to estimate air conditioning cooling load in buildings

Improvement of heat transfer within phase change materials using V-shaped rods‏

Operational Efficiency Assessment of the Sewage Pumping Station Using the Performance Index under Real Conditions

An Analysis of How Different Forms of Heated Bodies Affect Thermal Conductivity Inside a Nanofluid Square Domain

Hybrid Flame Combustion Burner.‏

Static stability of functionally graded porous nanoplates under uniform and non-uniform in-plane loads and various boundary conditions based on the nonlocal strain gradient theory‏

Using different evolutionary algorithms and artificial neural networks to predict the rheological behavior of a new nano-lubricant containing multi-walled carbon nanotube and zinc oxide nano-powders in oil 10W40 base fluid

Usage of double injector for efficient mixing of the fuel behind the ramp injector at supersonic combustion chamber‏

Using of multi-phase thermal model of the lattice Boltzmann method for simulation of two-phase Rayleigh–Bénard convective heat transfer‏

Applying different machine learning algorithms to predict the viscosity behavior of MWCNT–alumina/water–ethylene glycol (80: 20) hybrid antifreeze‏

Investigation of unswept ramp system with lobe shape nozzle for fuel mixing of hydrogen jet at a scramjet engine‏

An experimental study to lift water with a solar-driven bubble pump‏

Multiaspect analysis and optimization of a power and cooling cogeneration plant integrated with a multilevel waste heat recovery system‏

Using Total Equivalent Temperature Difference Approach to Estimate Air Conditioning Cooling Load In Buildings‏

Simplified-Sheet to Estimate Air Conditioning Cooling Load in IRAQ using TETD Method‏

Large Eddy Simulation in Duct Flow‏

Experimental Analysis and Design Optimization of an Empty Diffuser for Performance Enhancement in Dawt‏

Theoretical and experimental investigation of the effect of heat flux to lift water in a solar bubble pump‏

Numerical Study of the Improvement of Heat Transfer within Phase Change Materials Using V-Shaped Rods

Large Eddy Simulation in Duct Flow: Omar, Ihab


Member of the Iraqi Engineers Syndicate

Membership No. 147199

Membership Date 05-17-2017

Thermodynamics-First Stage

Thermodynamics-Second Stage

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration-Third Stage

Air Conditioning Systems-Fourth Stage

 Condenser, classification, analysis and design

Expansion devices

And its applications, functions and introduction of EES basics

 General Lathe Principles
 Estimate cooling and heating load