Scientific symposium entitled “Media Rumble of Quranic Discourses”

Scientific symposium entitled “Media Rumble of Quranic Discourses”

Scientific symposium entitled “Media Rumble of Quranic Discourses”

The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Heir al-Anbiya, peace be upon them, held a scientific symposium entitled “Media Rumble of Quranic Discourses,” where the symposium was presented and analyzed by Prof. Firdous Hashem Ahmed, on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at eight o’clock in the evening, on the Google Meet platform.

The symposium witnessed active participation by a group of college professors and students who showed great interest in the topic of the Qur’anic discourse and its media impact.

The symposium addressed multiple aspects of the importance and uniqueness of the Qur’anic discourse, as the lecturer, A.M.D., explained. Firdous Hashim Ahmed said that the Qur’anic discourse does not follow a single pace, but rather changes in its methods and foundations, and this is due to the change in time, place, and audience receiving it.

The lecturer at the symposium highlighted that the letter and movement in the Holy Qur’an greatly affect the meaning and restore the informational buzz and the media function, as the Qur’anic discourse differs between the words “O Messenger,” “O Muzamil,” and “O Muddathir,” which reflects the diversity and multiplicity of functions. Information and communication carried out by the Holy Qur’an.

The symposium was characterized by in-depth discussions and detailed analyzes on the topics of the Qur’anic discourse and how it interacts with the public in multiple ways, which contributed to expanding the horizons of understanding and thinking among the attendees, and enhancing the scientific and cultural understanding of the Qur’anic discourses and their role in guiding and motivating souls.

This scientific symposium reflects the interactive and cultural spirit emanating from academics and intellectuals, and highlights the importance of critical thinking and cultural interaction in understanding and analyzing the Qur’anic discourse and applying it to contemporary reality.