Projects and Constructions

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful


With great pleasure, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) presents to you an overview of the Department of Construction and Projects. This department is regarded as a crucial component of the President's Office for Administrative Affairs. A group of skilled and committed engineers in the domains of architectural and construction engineering work in this department.


Department Mission:


The department of Construction and Projects is in charge of organising, carrying out, and maintaining infrastructure projects at the university. This includes creating and enhancing infrastructure to fulfil the requirements of the academic and administrative needs.


Field of Action:


  1. Project Planning:
  • Analyzing the university’s needs and developing strategies to develop infrastructure.
  • Preparing feasibility studies and economic analysis for the proposed projects.


  1. Project Implementation:
  • Strictly manage implementation processes in accordance with technical specifications and standards.
  • Ensure projects are delivered on time and within the allocated budget.


  1. Maintenance and Development:
  • Paying attention to maintaining the current infrastructure and improving it periodically.
  • Developing technologies and using human resources efficiently.


  1. Technology and Innovation:
  • Using modern technology in designing and implementing projects.
  • Searching for innovative solutions to improve the efficiency of infrastructure.

- Project Planning Division

- Project Implementation Division

- Projects Follow-up Division 

Department Vision:


"Establishing the university's infrastructure for long-term growth and prosperity, and constructing new buildings and facilities to meet the demands of the learning environment and strengthen its position as a leader in scientific research and education."


Department Objectives:


  1. Improving Infrastructure
  2. Efficient Project Implementation
  3. Achieving Sustainability
  4. Human Resources Development
  5. Achieving Transparency and Participation
  6. Technology and Innovation
  7. Maintaining Leadership
  8. Responding to Urgent Needs
  9. Continuous Improvement
  10. Enhancing Security and Safety

Achieving sustainable and effective development within the university's structure is a key component of the department's efforts to fulfil its strategic objectives and forward-looking vision.