Research Excellence Award
Requirements and Regulations of Application

(Please read the instructions below carefully before applying.)   Choose one of the topics below to apply for the award: The first field: Medical and Health Sciences The second field: Engineering and Technological Sciences The third field: Pure Sciences The fourth field: Agricultural Sciences The fifth field: Young researchers within the specialty of the first four fields above (the age of the researcher is 30 years or less) The sixth field: Humanities Sciences Each researcher is allowed to apply on only one of the above-mentioned fields. The applicant for the award must be of Iraqi nationality and work permanently in one of the Iraqi academic institutions affiliated with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. The first affiliation of the researcher in all research submitted for the award is affiliated with one of the Iraqi universities or academic institutions of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Any researcher who has submitted research and whose first affiliation in that research is affiliated with an institution other than those mentioned above is prohibited from entering the competition. Published research must be in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, or at least one of them for applicants, on the first five fields only. Research submitted for the award is research that was published during the period from 1/1/2023 to 12/3/2023 only. The number of research papers published by the researcher during the above period and submitted to enter the competition for the first four fields shall not be less than five research papers during the period mentioned above. Applicants for the fifth field and the sixth field are excluded from this condition. The value of the impact factor (H-index) for the researcher applying for the award for the first four fields is equal to or higher than ten (10) in the researcher’s calculation in the database. Applicants for the fifth and sixth fields are excluded from this condition. Any researcher will be excluded from entering the competition for the award if he enters incorrect data or violates the instructions above. The date for launching the application form for the award is 3/25/2024, and the application form closes on 4/25/2024 at 12 pm. The date for honouring the researchers who won the award is Thursday, May 2, 2024, or Saturday, May 4, 2024.

Guidelines for Point Calculation

Points will be calculated for applicants for the award according to the rules below:   60% of the competition points are awarded in light of the researcher’s scientific output during the year 2023 for published research indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases, where points are calculated for research according to the total CitScore and impact factor of the journal in which it is published. 100% of the points are given to the first researcher. 80% of the points are given to the second researcher. 60% of the points are given to the third researcher. 40% of the points are given to the fourth researcher and beyond. As for the Corresponding author, he is awarded additional points amounting to 30% of the points, regardless of the sequence of the research. 15% of the competition points are awarded to the researcher’s citations in Web of Science. For example, if the number of citations is 420, 63 points are awarded. 10% of the competition points are awarded to the researcher’s citations in the Scopus database. For example, if the number of citations is 420, 42 points are awarded. 10% of the competition points are awarded to the researcher’s H-index in Web of Science 5% of the competition points are awarded to the researcher’s H-index in Scopus The winning researcher is the one who obtains the highest number of points according to each field. The criteria from point 1 to 5 concern the first five fields, which are medical and engineering sciences, pure sciences, agricultural sciences, and young researchers only.