Media and Government Communication

The Department of Media and Public Relations was established at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (Peace Be Upon Him) upon the university's founding in the year 2017. It operates under the auspices of the Presidency of the Higher Education Commission at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain.

This vital and dynamic department plays a foundational role in introducing the university's activities, events, and diverse services. It aims to highlight the university's uniqueness and excellence. The Media Department serves as a crucial link between the university and publishing institutions, as well as various media outlets.

The Media Department

The Public Relations Department


To be a nurturing and supportive department for distinguished scientific productions, aiming for the academic and research excellence of the university, with the availability of a comprehensive database and centralized information.


To outline and implement scientific and research plans and strategies that align with the university's objectives and serve the community.

Department Objectives:

Enhance and fortify the outcomes of scientific research within the university, promoting its ethics, and establishing suitable mechanisms to support research. Emphasis on encouraging researchers to engage in rigorous scientific publishing.

Train and develop faculty members by adopting constructive training programs from reputable international universities, focusing on capacity building that meets the university's aspirations.

Motivate and enhance diverse scientific and intellectual activities, fostering collaboration and twinning with universities, research centers, various government institutions, scientific and cultural associations, and developing cooperation with them.

Organize work according to the principles, instructions, and regulations issued by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the Department of Scientific Affairs.

Develop creative scientific activity, document data for all scientific activities of the university, including conferences, workshops, seminars, and monitor and disseminate their results to ensure maximum benefit.

Develop and monitor academic curricula to align with the requirements of the job market.

Find practical and scientific solutions to the problems facing society.

Department News