Ethical Compliance

At the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, we recognize that the strength of an ethical community lies in the ability to address concerns transparently and responsibly. Our Reporting and Grievance Mechanism provides a secure, confidential, and accessible platform for all stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and community members, to voice concerns or report potential misconduct. Upholding the highest standards of confidentiality, our Ethical Compliance Unit diligently investigates each report, ensuring the protection and anonymity of whistleblowers. In parallel, our Staff Grievance Procedure ensures that employment-related matters are addressed impartially and expeditiously, guaranteeing equitable treatment for all staff members.

Procedure: At the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, everyone is encouraged to speak up if they witness any form of bias, mistreatment, or reprisal, regardless of who's involved. If you've experienced such behavior, don't hesitate to share your concerns with your immediate supervisor, a member of the personnel practices committee, HR, or an ombudsman. Prompt reporting is highly valued, as it allows for swift action to address issues and prevent further complications.

Complaints related to prohibited conduct receive serious attention, with thorough investigations that may involve discussions with all parties involved and relevant witnesses. Confidentiality is strictly maintained throughout the process, ensuring fairness and respect.

The university has a strict no-retaliation policy for those who report bias, mistreatment, or reprisal, and any such behavior is met with appropriate disciplinary action.

Recognizing the importance of addressing misconduct, the university takes necessary measures, including training, counseling, warnings, reprimands, pay withholding, reassignment, temporary suspension without pay, or even termination, depending on the circumstances.

However, it's essential to emphasize that false and harmful complaints will not be tolerated. Genuine complaints made in good faith are treated seriously, but any misuse of the reporting process will be subject to disciplinary measures.

By fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and respect, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa strives to create an inclusive and secure community for all its members.

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa stands firmly against all forms of bribery and corruption, embracing an unyielding commitment to ethical behavior. Our comprehensive Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy serves as a robust framework designed in alignment with international best practices and local regulations. With the utmost d etermination to safeguard academic integrity, we proactively engage in awareness campaigns, interactive workshops, and targeted training sessions. These initiatives empower our academic community to recognize, prevent, and confront corrupt practices, cultivating a collective consciousness rooted in ethical values.

Please click here for our Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa is committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive learning environment where every individual feels valued, respected, and empowered to reach their full potential. Our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Unit serves as a central resource for promoting these core values across all aspects of university life. The reporting 

structure for EDI-related information and issues are as follows.

EDI-related information and issues

1-Cultivate an Inclusive Environment: We strive to create a welcoming space for individuals from diverse backgrounds. We celebrate cultural, religious, and ethnic differences, fostering open dialogue and mutual understanding.

2-Embrace Islamic Culture: As an Iraqi institution, we hold a deep respect for Islamic traditions and practices. We ensure their accommodation within the university community through cultural sensitivity and awareness initiatives.

3-Provide Equitable Opportunities: We are committed to providing equal access to resources and opportunities for all members of our community. This includes fostering a diverse faculty, staff, and student body, and fostering professional and academic growth.

4-Integrate Diverse Perspectives: We advocate for an inclusive curriculum that reflects a rich tapestry of histories and perspectives. We weave Islamic culture and contributions into our academic programs, promoting a global understanding of our heritage.

5-Ensure Fair Representation: We champion diverse representation within university leadership, faculty, and staff. We encourage participation from underrepresented groups, amplifying their voices in decision-making processes.

6-Uphold a Non-Discriminatory Policy: We maintain a strict non-discrimination policy, ensuring dignity and respect for everyone. We prohibit discrimination based on race, religion, ethnicity, gender, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

7-Support Religious Practices: We actively support religious observances and practices, including prayer times and religious holidays, allowing individuals to freely express their faith.

8-Empower Through Resources: We offer a range of resources to promote cultural understanding, support diverse communities, and address concerns related to equity and discrimination. These resources include cultural centers, support groups, counseling services, and educational workshops.

9-Continuous Improvement: We believe in ongoing learning and growth. We encourage open dialogue with our university community to address concerns and implement positive changes.

Please click here for the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa’s EDI Policy