Scientific Conference

We would like to invite the health care professionals in cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery to attend our first ever international conference in Cardiology and Cardiothoracic surgery in Karbala on the campus of our university on the 5-6 of Sep 2024. This conference is supported by a team from Hull University, Castle Hill University Hospital and the Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Norther Ireland

.Proceedings of the first annual conference (The impact of the value system on building and developing society)

Proceedings of the Fourth Islam Life Conference, held annually by the College of Islamic Sciences / University of Warith al-Anbiya

The College of Administration and Economics evaluates its second international scientific conference under the slogan of employing innovations in administrative and economic sciences in the service of the Iraqi economy in the history of


Achieving social peace: means and challenges

The Second International Law Conference entitled Modernity and Rationality in Legislation

Establishing the College of Law at the University of Heir al-Anbiya (peace be upon him) The Second International Conference in cooperation with (Al-Mustansiriya University, Sulaymaniyah University, Soran University, Fallujah University, Imam Al-Sadiq College (peace be upon him) - Basra branch

The College of Engineering at Warith Al-Anbiya University is holding the “First International Warith Conference for Engineering Sciences,” in cooperation with the Iraqi Geotechnical Scientific Society and Peter the Great University, St. Petersburg in Russia.
We invite all academics, including researchers in universities and research centers, and local and international scientific societies. To participate in the conference for the period from 17-18 April 2024


For more information, visit this link WICES