"The British IELTS English Language Test" at the University of Prophets' Heritage.. Join us!

Based on the official directives from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the necessity of adopting the British IELTS English language test as a standard for accepting students in postgraduate studies, the University of Prophets' Heritage is organizing an informative online seminar in collaboration with the British institution UniHouse. Mr. Ben Music, the Director of Training and Capacity Building at the institution, along with Mr. Tony Sturtevant, one of their course trainers, will provide answers to common questions such as: - What is the exam? - How is it conducted? - Who are the target candidates for the test? - How will the exam benefit you in the future? - What are the best tips for passing the exam? - How to prepare for the exam? The seminar will also include interactive sections to showcase real examples of the exam and online training courses. To join us, please visit the attached link Saturday, 3/2/2024- 4:00 PM.

Attendance is open to everyone.

Link 🔗 Attendance
