Scientific Visit Enriches the Experience of Biomedical Engineering Students to the University of Technology

As part of the scientific cooperation between the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (Peace be upon him) and the University of Technology, the College of Engineering, Biomedical Engineering Department, organized a scientific visit for third and fourth-year students to the Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of Technology.

The visit aimed to broaden the students' horizons and enrich their knowledge by familiarizing them with the academic curricula followed at the University of Technology. Additionally, it included a tour of the training center and modern laboratories that contribute to the development of their practical skills. The visit also provided an opportunity to learn about the Nanotechnology Center and the latest innovations in this field.

This visit is part of the efforts of both universities to enhance scientific exchange and develop academic programs, providing opportunities for students to gain knowledge and practical experience that contribute to the development of their skills and prepare them for the ever-evolving job market.