Student and Alumni Affairs at the Discussion Table

The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Waqed Al-Mousawi, met with the Department of Registration and Student Affairs to discuss the current advancements in the workflow and services given to students. A number of significant topics, including the upcoming graduate programme launch, the Bologna Process, and updating student data, were covered in the conference with the goal of enhancing performance and streamlining procedures for students.

The Assistant for Scientific Affairs emphasised throughout the conference how important it is to create online platforms for student registration and academic follow-up and how crucial it is to streamline procedures to guarantee a seamless and productive experience.

Assistant Lecturer Ayman Al-Jubouri, the director of the department of registration and student affairs, provided a thorough presentation on the state of work in the department, outlining the registration team's efforts to address the current obstacles. He also went over the department's future development goals, which included implementing contemporary technology to expedite registration processes and update the database.