Warith Al-Anbiyaa Announces 1,000,000 IQD Bridge Design Contest

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) announced the opening of the first competition for students in the College of Civil Engineering to design bridges, valued at one million dinars, as part of its mission to foster creativity and creative abilities among its students. The purpose of this competition is to assess students' skills in designing bridges that can support varying loads proportionate to the bridge's weight and to inspire them to achieve in the field of structural design.

The designs that were submitted were assessed by a scientific committee that the deanship constituted. The winners of the competition will be revealed according to how well the designs can endure the relevant loads.


The winners will be awarded accordingly:


  1. One million dinars will be awarded as a prize to the first winner.
  2. A prize of 500,000 dinars will be awarded to the second winner.
  3. A prize of 250,000 dinars will be awarded to the third winner.


In an effort to motivate and assist students in realising their creative potential in science and technology.