Warith Al-Anbiyaa Student Finds Error in Global Clinical Diagnosis Book

Student Muhammad Ali Kazem from the College of Medicine at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), fifth stage, made an astounding scientific correctness discovery when he found false information in the most recent fifteenth edition of the book "Macleod Clinical Examination."

The student found the error on page 109, Table 6.3, where the author indicated that sitting upright helps comfort a patient with acute pancreatitis, while the best position is to bend forward.

After thorough investigation and confirmation from several sources—including Bailey and Loves, an approved source on surgery—the error was confirmed. The issue was identified and will be fixed in the upcoming version of the book, emphasising the contribution of academic research and student involvement in expanding the accuracy and scope of medical knowledge, following correspondence with the printing house and the author.