Warith Al-Anbiyaa Participates in the Iraqi-German Conference 2024

Dr. Ali Al-Anbouri, a representative of the TEMOS International Organisation for Accreditation of Health Services Management, was received by Professor Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun, dean of the College of Medicine, and Professor Dr. Ibrahim Saeed Al-Hayawi, president of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH). The purpose of this visit was to give the institution the participation shield as a token of appreciation for being accepted as a participant in the 2024 Iraqi-German Conference in Frankfurt, Germany. 

A Brand New Pedestrian Bridge is under Construction

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) pedestrian bridge is undergoing construction. Its purpose is to enable students' safe and secure access to the university campus. The bridge, whose contemporary design complies with the strictest safety and quality requirements, will be a significant addition to the university's infrastructure.

Student and Alumni Affairs at the Discussion Table

The Assistant President of the University for Scientific Affairs, Professor Dr. Waqed Al-Mousawi, met with the Department of Registration and Student Affairs to discuss the current advancements in the workflow and services given to students. A number of significant topics, including the upcoming graduate programme launch, the Bologna Process, and updating student data, were covered in the conference with the goal of enhancing performance and streamlining procedures for students.
The Assistant for Scientific Affairs emphasised throughout the conference how important it is to create online platforms for student registration and academic follow-up and how crucial it is to streamline procedures to guarantee a seamless and productive experience.
Assistant Lecturer Ayman Al-Jubouri, the director of the department of registration and student affairs, provided a thorough presentation on the state of work in the department, outlining the registration team's efforts to address the current obstacles. He also went over the department's future development goals, which included implementing contemporary technology to expedite registration processes and update the database. 

The Flow of the Exams

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) continues to conduct final exams for its students in various colleges and departments, amid intense efforts made by the deans of the colleges, faculty members, and examination committees to ensure that the examination process runs efficiently and smoothly.
These efforts are a part of the university's continuous dedication to offering a suitable learning environment that guarantees its students' best outcomes. While making sure that everyone followed the guidelines and instructions to maintain the integrity and transparency of the exam process, the deans and faculty members put forth a great deal of effort to plan and conduct the exams efficiently.
The examination committees also played a pivotal role in coordinating the various logistical and administrative aspects of the examinations, starting with preparing the examination halls and distributing tasks, all the way to monitoring the conduct of the examinations and addressing any challenges that may arise.
On this occasion, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) expresses its sincere wishes to all dear students for success, stressing its constant keenness to support them and provide everything that will help them achieve academic excellence.

Deanship of College of Administration and Economics Congratulates Dean of College of Engineering

Professor Dr. Awad Al-Khalidi, Dean of the College of Administration and Economics, and his accompanying delegation congratulated and bestowed blessings on the Dean of the College of Engineering on the issuance of the ministerial order appointing Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Hadi Al-Awadi to the Deanship of the College of Engineering. They also prayed to Allah Almighty for success and continued advancement in support of the scientific march in our beloved nation.

Inspection Tour at the Expansion Project

A field visit to the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) expansion projects led by esteemed President of the University, Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, and respected Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun, with a review of the completion rates that have reached advanced stages.

Ministerial Finals in Presence of the Ministerial Committee

The ministerial final exams for students of the faculties and departments of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) continue with excellent smoothness amid a good atmosphere and high coordination, in the presence of the esteemed ministerial committee and the respected Professor Dr. Waqid Al-Mousawi, the assistant president of the university for scientific affairs.

“Quality of University Education” is at the Discussion Table

Professor Dr. Waqid Al-Mousawi, Assistant of Scientific Affairs, met with the Deanship of the College of Islamic Sciences to discuss the plans drawn up to enter the international and local classifications and follow up on the completed procedures for the national classification, in addition to evaluating the teaching staff and college performance, with the goal of implementing the best quality standards in the departments and colleges of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH). This affects attaining the standard of higher education that the university aspires to attain as best it can.

A Shield of Appreciation from the College of Administration and Economics to the University of Karbala

The Deanship of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) presented a shield of appreciation to Professor Dr. Hashem Jabbar Al-Husseini, the Dean of the College of Administration and Economics at the University of Karbala, and Professor Dr. Akram Al-Yasiri, the Assistant President of the University of Karbala for Administrative Affairs, in relation to the "Second International Scientific Conference.".
Upon receiving his PhD, Dr. Hussein Maatouq, the assistant dean of the College of Administration and Economics, was congratulated by Dr. Akram Al-Yasiri, who also wished him continued success in supporting education in our beloved nation. 

Department of Media and Government Communication Congratulates Dean of College of Engineering

The Head of the Department of Media and Government Communications, Dr. Mahdi Al-Saadi, along with members of his media and relations team, congratulated and offered blessings to Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Hadi Al-Awadi on his appointment as Dean of the College of Engineering. They also prayed to Allah Almighty for success and continued advancement in his service to the scientific process in our beloved nation.

Clinical Examination

In the presence of Dr. Zainab Al-Sultani, president of Al-Zahra University (PBUH), the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) held the clinical examination (OSCE) for the subject of "Hospitals" for female students in the Faculty of Pharmacy.
The test was administered at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussein's (PBUH) National Centre for Medical Competency Evaluation.

Finals are Proceeding

Final exams for University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) students are proceeding smoothly.

Inspection Tour for the Dormitory Building

Along with several engineers from the implementation company, the female student dormitory building was examined by Professor Dr. Nofal Al-Araji, the administrative assistant, and the chairman of the founding board.
The purpose of the visit was to assess the work progress and completion rates. The dorm is unique in that it consists of three buildings with a total height of six stories, accommodating the number of female students along with other amenities.
In order to house the growing number of students, the university aims to develop new buildings. 

Inspection Tour by the Scientific Assistant

The deans of the colleges of engineering, medicine, and nursing joined Professor Dr. Waqed Al-Mousawi, the Scientific Assistant, on an inspection trip.
This tour came to monitor the results of the ministerial test for engineering students and the final examinations for medical and nursing students at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH).
To the lovely students, best wishes for success.

Inspection Tour by the Assistant of Scientific Affairs

The deans of the colleges of engineering, medicine, and nursing joined Professor Dr. Waqed Al-Mousawi, the Assistant of Scientific, on an inspection trip.
This tour came to monitor the results of the ministerial test for engineering students and the final examinations for medical and nursing students at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH).
To the lovely students, best wishes for success.

Honoring Students at the College of Media

The Deanship of the College of Media at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) honored several students for their participation in the competition that was initiated by the university's president, professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi. The competition was for "the most beautiful design for the college logo, a brochure design for the College of Media, and a professional promotional video." 

The Scientific Assistant Inspects the Examination Halls

As the finals continue, a field tour was made by the Scientific Assistant, Professor Dr. Waqid Al-Mousawi, to inspect the exam halls for students of the colleges and departments of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH). 

Finals Atmospheres for the Academic Year 2023-2024

The launch of the final exams for the departments and colleges of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH). It's noteworthy that the university supplied all the requirements needed for the exams to be successful.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa and Karbala Discussing an International Scientific Event

Professor Dr. Basem Al-Saeedi, the president of the University of Karbala, was met by Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, the president of the university.
This visit was made in order to plan and discuss an international scientific event that Iraq will host in the holy city of Karbala. The event is being organised by the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH), the Universities of Karbala and Al-Kafeel, with support from the Holy Shrines of Abbas and Imam Hussein (PBUT), and Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research.  

Field Trip to the Oil Refinery of the Holy Najaf

Under the direction of the department's professors, the Deanship of the College of Engineering at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) organised a field trip for the freshmen in the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering to the Holy Najaf oil refinery.
The purpose of this visit was to acquaint the students with the engineering team that specialises in petroleum derivative separation.
Comprehensive talks on the methods and processes employed in the refinery's chemistry were delivered. Additionally, they had the chance to go on field trips within the refinery to observe firsthand how the various oil products are made from crude and gain an understanding of how the operations are carried out. 

Scientific Field Trip to Warith International Cancer Institute

Students from the College of Science's Medical Physics department went on a scientific field trip to the Warith International Cancer Institute, hosted by the Deanship of the College of Science at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (PBUH).
The purpose of this tour was to familiarise the Medical Physics Department students with the advanced radiation equipment that the institution offers, as well as to educate them on the real-world duties of a medical physicist student and the services that they can later render in therapeutic medical facilities. 

Head of the Biomedical Engineering Department is at Al-Nahrain University

Assistant Professor Dr. Hassan Talib Hashem, the head of the Biomedical Engineering Department at the College of Engineering at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (PBUH), was appointed as a member of the jury to select the best graduation project for students from the Biomedical Engineering Department at Al-Nahrain University due to his scientific competence.

Pertaining to “Warith Al-Anbiyaa National Award for Research Excellence”

Alongside University President Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, the Undersecretary of the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research for Scientific Research Affairs, Professor Dr. Haider Abd Dahed, conducted a tour of the university's hallways. The Vice Dean expressed his admiration for the university's state-of-the-art facilities and its commitment to providing students with all academic resources. 
