The Ataa team, consisting of students from Warith University, volunteers
Do you want to get acquainted with the Voluntary Giving Team of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University?

Name: Voluntary Giving Team of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University Establishment Year: December 5, 2018 Number of Members: The team's membership is not fixed and can vary, subject to increase or decrease based on individual memberships and withdrawals.   Member Selection Mechanism: Members must exclusively be from the university. Selection or approval of their membership is carried out by the founder (director) of the voluntary team, considering specific conditions such as having good conduct, a willingness to help others, and an explanation of the work details for each person. Afterward, individuals fill out an information form and commitment.   Withdrawal Process: Members can withdraw voluntarily, or they may be exempted by the monitoring committee of the voluntary team, composed of the founder (director) of the team and several active and effective members, due to violations of the general rules of the team's work.   Sustainability of Member's Work in the Team: Achieved by developing the member's mental, logical, and administrative skills, motivating them through letters of thanks and appreciation from the university presidency or the director of the voluntary team. It also involves monitoring the member's activity within the team and reinforcing the sense of belonging and brotherhood among team members.   Objectives of Establishing the Giving Team of Warith: Properly harnessing youth energy and directing it towards serving the community. Promoting and developing a culture of assistance to become a societal phenomenon. Creating a productive generation of university students contributing to societal advancement. Mitigating poverty in society as much as possible. Embedding values of goodness and love among community members. Activating the role of university students in society and highlighting their significant role in societal progress and upliftment.   Supporting Entities: The team is an independent volunteer student team supported solely by the university as financial and moral supporters. The team maintains complete independence, with financial resources coming from donors within and outside the university, and the team does not engage with any entity or organization, regardless of affiliation.   Achievements: Over the past four years, the Warith Voluntary Team has achieved various accomplishments, including educational support, medical assistance, community development projects, and awareness campaigns.   Future Vision: Making giving a societal phenomenon. Expanding the concept of giving to include all university students, making it a national project. Achieving the principle of solidarity to contribute to reducing poverty. Enhancing collective awareness. Contributing time, effort, and talent to provide assistance.   Internal Vision for the Voluntary Team: Developing and enhancing the skills of members, preparing them for post-graduation. Each member being an exemplary role model within and outside the university in terms of ethical, humanitarian, and religious commitment.   Team Logo Symbolism: The logo consists of three parts, each symbolizing a specific aspect: The golden dome represents the dome of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), signifying selflessness and giving. The dove signifies peace and love, conveying the team's message of cooperation being accompanied by love. The plant in the dove's beak symbolizes the good carried to people under the shelter of Imam Hussein's dome (peace be upon him).