Third-year students take the internal medicine exam at the Faculty of Medicine - Warith Al-Anbiya University

The College of Medicine at Warith Al-Anbia University conducted the internal medicine exam for third-year students, under the direct supervision of Professor Dr. Ali Abdul Saadoun, Dean of the College, and Assistant Professor Dr. Laith Al-Hussaini, Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs.

The examination process took place in an atmosphere characterized by organization and discipline, according to the highest academic and educational standards, and with field follow-up to ensure full compliance with the instructions and controls approved by the Deanship of the College, which provides an ideal environment for taking exams.

The Deanship of the College confirms its continuous keenness to provide appropriate conditions that contribute to supporting the academic progress of students, wishing all students continued success in their academic journey.

College of Medicine - Warith Al-Anbia University
Towards distinguished medical education to serve the community