What is the digital media specialty at the Faculty of Information at Warith Al-Anbiya University?

This specialization is among the new disciplines addressing the global and Arab market needs, as digital media has become the dominant force in the media market. There is a growing reliance on digital media by television and radio stations worldwide, coupled with the unprecedented spread of social media platforms.

Upon graduation, students can work in various sectors, including:

    News websites and electronic newspapers.

    Radio and television stations.

    Company and government-owned websites. Every institution or company with an online presence requires someone to manage their website, making the field of work extensive and diverse.


#SeizeTheOpportunity by choosing the Digital Media department.



For inquiries, please contact the following numbers:

    Short number: 5751




University location: Holy Karbala, Baghdad-Karbala Road, near the City of the Guardians for Visitors