What is the specialty of public relations at the Faculty of Information at Warith al-Anbiya University?

Public Relations specialization at the College of Media, University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, focuses on establishing connections between the institution and the local community. This involves portraying a positive and convincing image of the institution's goals to the general public, along with managing crises that the institution may face.

Where do Public Relations graduates work?

Graduates of Public Relations work in various areas, including managing relations through social media, handling publicity and advertising tasks, issuing news about activities and events to reach the external audience, maintaining communications with the media, and coordinating conferences and media tours.


Other roles include:


    Managing relationships with the institution's guests.

    Receiving guests and preparing their visit schedules.

    Creating informational brochures for guests.

    Preparing gifts for guests.

    Marketing relations advertising new products or services.

    Developing and executing promotional materials.

    Participating in exhibitions and marketing events.


#SeizeTheOpportunity by choosing the Public Relations department.




For inquiries, please contact the following numbers:


    Short number: 5751





University location: Holy Karbala, Baghdad-Karbala Road, near the City of the Guardians for Visitors