"Official Visit by the 'Education and Control Committee' Commends Safety Standards at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa"

In a move reflecting a commitment to safety standards in scientific education, the "Education and Control Committee for Minimizing Chemical Accidents in Laboratories and Storage," under the "National Control Authority," conducted an official visit to the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them).

The high-level delegation was warmly received by the university's leadership, and the committee conducted an on-site tour within the university's corridors and educational laboratories. This visit provided committee members with an opportunity to inspect the laboratory infrastructure and ensure the university's adherence to safety standards and preventive measures.

At the conclusion of the tour, the "Education and Control Committee" praised the university's high quality and clear commitment to implementing safety guidelines and instructions. The committee expressed appreciation for the university's earnest efforts in ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment for students and staff.

This meeting is part of the constructive collaboration between educational institutions and regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with the highest safety and quality standards in the field of scientific education.