Warith Al-Anbiya University Discusses Enhancing Scientific Cooperation with the Technological University

A delegation from Warith Al-Anbiya University discussed ways and potentialities to enhance mutual scientific cooperation during their visit to Technological University in Baghdad.

The university delegation included the Assistant Scientific, Dr. Waqad Al-Mousawi, the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Hussein Al-Awadi, and his assistant Dr. Ali Basim. They were greeted by the President of Technological University, Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghban, and the Assistant Scientific Dr. Khawla Salah Khushan, along with heads of scientific and administrative departments at the university.

Discussions focused on the mechanism of collaboration in organizing the second engineering conference in partnership between the two universities. They also deliberated on activating the provisions of the previously signed scientific agreement to serve the educational process in our beloved country.

It is worth noting that Warith Al-Anbiya University is striving to keep up with the solid educational reality by entering international rankings through partnerships and twinning with prestigious universities locally, regionally, and globally.