Global Recognition: University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Shines in Scimago Ranking of Research Institutions

In a qualitative step reflecting its commitment to academic and research excellence, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (Peace be upon him) celebrates its remarkable achievement in entering the Scimago Institution Rankings (SIR), one of the leading global rankings of research institutions. This accomplishment is the fruit of the university's continuous efforts to enhance qualitative scientific research and adopt effective strategies to support innovation and creativity. Managed by the Spanish National Research Council, the ranking primarily relies on rigorous criteria including research performance, innovation, and institutions' contribution to achieving sustainable development goals through serving the community. The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's entry into this ranking in a record time serves as strong evidence of the quality and impact of the research produced by the university on the international level. This achievement not only crowns the university's diligent work and strategic vision but also confirms its position as a leading center for scientific research that serves the community and contributes to sustainable development globally.