Asst. Lecturer Faris kareem halyout tofan

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Computer Engineering - Computer Networks Engineering and Artificial intelligence


University granting the Degree

Karabuk University

Academic Title

Asst. Lecturer


College of engineering


  • Teach several courses specialized in programming, computer science, and networks
  • Supervising many graduation projects
  •  Publishing scientific research in the fields of artificial intelligence and networks in international journals and within Scopus and Clarivate databases

  • Participation in local and international conferences.


  1.  A Combined Method for Object Detection under Rain Conditions Using Deep Learning (International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA), IEEE)
  2. A Proposed Approach for Object Detection and Recognition by Deep Learning Models Using Data Augmentation(International Journal of Online & Biomedical Engineering)
  3. Developing Healthcare using Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey of Applications, Challenges and Future Directions.(In BIO Web of Conferences)
  4. Design and simulation of a compact subwavelength graphene-based switch for surface plasmon polariton transmission in integrated optoelectronic circuits ( In Plasmonics Journal)
  5. A Compact and Fast Resonant Cavity-Based Encoder in Photonic Crystal Platform (In Crystals Journal)
  6. High-sensitive and linear temperature sensor based on liquid-filled photonic crystal fiber (Optical and Quantum Electronics)

Iraqi Academics Union

  • OptiSystem
  • Numerical Analysis Lab by MATLAB
  • Computer Science I
  • Computer Science II
  • Image Processing
  • Computer Network
  • Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on Society