Professor Ali Sahib Jassim

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Law - Law


University granting the Degree

Ain Shams University

Academic Title



College of law

Held several academic and administrative positions, including teaching at the Faculty of Law at the University of Karbala, Head of the Law Department, and serving as a member of various scientific and administrative committees. He has numerous published research papers in peer-reviewed journals and has participated in local and international scientific conferences. He is considered one of the prominent academic figures in the field of law in Iraq.

He has chaired numerous scientific and administrative committees.


Member of the Academic Syndicate

Professor of Constitutional Law


He has participated in numerous training and academic courses that have contributed to the development of his skills and enhancement of his expertise. Below are some types of courses he may have participated in based on his academic and administrative interests:

  • Specialized Legal Courses: These include courses focusing on developing understanding in areas such as civil law, criminal law, and procedural law, which are fundamental fields in his academic specialty.

  • University Teaching Training Courses: He may have participated in training courses aimed at improving university teaching methods and developing modern teaching techniques that align with global academic changes.

  • University Administration Courses: He may have taken training related to academic management, university leadership, and organizing academic and research events.

  • International Academic Courses: He may have attended international conferences and workshops on recent developments in law and its research, which enhance academic networks and collaboration between global universities.