A professor in rational sciences, including philosophy, epistemology, logic, the principles of Islamic jurisprudence, and theology.
Experience: 20 years.
Courses, seminars and workshops Delivered:
Monotheism Between Theology, Philosophy, and Mysticism
The Philosophy of Ethics from the Perspective of Philosopher Muhammad Taqi Misbah Yazdi
The Science of Classical Hermeneutics
The Science of Romantic Hermeneutics
The Science of Philosophical Hermeneutics
Approaches to Interpreting the Hussaini Uprising
Doctrinal Course on Belief Systems
Mechanisms for Addressing Contemporary Doctrinal Misconceptions
Scientific research, books, and other publications:
A Critical Analytical Study on Sensory Knowledge by Misbah Yazdi
A Critical Study of the Foundations of Sensory Knowledge in Misbah Yazdi's Thought
A New Reading of the Argument of Contingency and Necessity According to Ibn Rushd
A Critical Study of the Definition of Intuitive Knowledge
The Infallibility of Intuitive Knowledge: An Analytical and Critical Study
The Principle of the Impossibility of Intuitive Knowledge of Material Entities
Islamic Philosophy and Religious Knowledge
Approaches to Interpreting the Hussaini Uprising: A Critical Analytical Study of the Political Change Approach and the Establishment of Righteous Governance
Approaches to Interpreting the Hussaini Uprising: A Study of Some General Foundational and Intellectual Principles
Courses taught:
أصول التفسير: Principles of Tafsir (Quranic Exegesis)
قواعد التفسير: Rules of Tafsir
المنطق: Logic
فقه العبادات: Jurisprudence of Worship
أصول الفقه: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence
الأخلاق في القرآن: Ethics in the Quran
النظم الإسلامية: Islamic Systems
السياسة الشرعية: Islamic Politics (Sharia-Based Governance)
فقه المعاملات: Jurisprudence of Transactions
مدخل شريعة: Introduction to Sharia
الطائفية في نظر الإسلام: Sectarianism in the View of Islam