Asst. Professor Mohsin Hasan Hussein

Date of Birth




General & Specialist

Computer Science - AI and Data Mining


University granting the Degree

University of Babylon

Academic Title

Asst. Professor


College of Science

Academic Experience:


I have been teaching undergraduate students since 2008 and postgraduate students since 2020.

Academic Supervision:

Supervised 20 undergraduate students' graduation projects.

Supervised 5 master's theses.

Academic Administration:

Coordinator of the Computer Science Department, College of Science, University of Kerbala (2017–2019).

Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Kerbala (2020–present).

  1. Fake reviews detection in e-commerce using machine learning techniques: a comparative survey
  2. Alleviating the User Cold-Start Problem in Recommendation Systems Based on Textual Reviews Using Deep Learning,
  3. Recommendation System Based on Opinion Mining: A Survey
  4. Exploiting the Crow Search Algorithm to Overcome the Bandpass Problem
  5. Optimization of Routing and Cluster Head Selection in WSN: A Survey
  6. Exploiting social trust via weighted voting strategy for recommendation systems improvement,
  7. Effective electroencephalogram based epileptic seizure detection using support vector machine and statistical moment’s features
  8. Exploiting Textual Reviews for Recommendation Systems Improvement
  9. A Review Paper of Model Based Collaborative Filtering Techniques
  10. The Distinction of Logical Decision According to the Model of the Analysis of Brain Signals (EEG),
  11. Behavior analysis in Arabic social media,
  12. Adopting explicit and implicit social relations by SVD++ for recommandation system improvement
  13. PAM Clustering Aided Android Malicious Apps Detection
  14. Performance evaluation of CCM and TSCP routing protocols within/without data fusing in WSNs
  15. Exploiting the Shared Neighborhood to Improve the Quality of Social Community Detection
  16. Influential Nodes Based Alleviation of User Cold-Start Problem in Recommendation System
  17. Simulation Approach to Estimate the Activity's Expected Running time
  1. Structured Programming
  2. Object Oriented Programming
  3. Artificial Intelligence
  4. Language Translator
  5. Computational Theory
  6. Operating Systems
  7. Information Retrieval
  8. Data Structure
  9. Data Mining

Conducted numerous workshops and training courses in the field of specialization