Preparations of the College of Medicine in preparing laboratories for the academic year 2023/2024

Under the supervision of the Presidency of the University and the follow-up of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun, the Assistant Dean for Scientific Affairs, Lecturer Dr. Riyad, and the Assistant Dean for Administrative Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ali Mansour, the laboratories of the College of Medicine were equipped with medical and laboratory equipment with high specifications and international origins specialized in self-analysis of blood diseases and analysis devices Clinical self-examinations, enzymes, proteins, fats, salts, devices for analyzing and examining hormones, cancer parameters and clinical immunology

Second round exams 2022/2023

Under the supervision of the University Presidency and the follow up of the Dean of the College of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun, and the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs, Lecturer Dr. Riyad Haniwah, the students performed the second round exams, wishing them success.

tips for medical students

Ten tips for medical studentsProf. Dr. Monem Makki Abdel-Reda Hammoud Al-ShoukHead of the Medicine Branch
Tip 1 - Be familiar with the terms and nomenclature
Generally this can be accomplished by paying attention to the stem of the word. Majority of medical terms are based in Greek or Latin. Most terms can be broken down into two or more word portions. Take pathogenic for example, which means 'capable of causing disease'. The root term patho- refers to disease and -genic refers to producing or causing. Similarly it is easy to understand different other words made by joining any meaningful word to the root term patho-Tip 2 - Be structuredMedical study is comparatively a massive course of study that proceeds and builds on complicated concepts. It is the best practice to take one general topic and list all its related topics beneath it. Keep diagrams compact, concise and short so that you would be able to review them easily and quickly for comparison and quick reference.Tip 3 - Go from whole to part Read carefullyComb roughly through the assigned unit or chapter at the beginning of your studies so that you get a rough idea of what you will be going to cover. This will keep you enlightened that what you have to study and you will have a clear picture in your mind about what you have to study in that specific chapter.Tip 4 - Study every single dayRegardless of the exams or tests, to be a good student it needs to develop good study habits. It is really really important as a medical student. Despite different modern digital study tools (PowerPoint slides, video lectures) book reading has its own importance. Still if you can't study properly every single day, try to study at least a little bit whenever you canTip 5 - Relate and distinctWhenever you are studying something, try to focus that “How is this similar to . . . and how this is different from . . .” Medicine is full of duality and has many disease processes which easily overlap with each other, thus very easy to confuse them with each other. Thus relating different terms to any natural and more memorable thing is a very easy way to eliminate this complicationTip 6 - Discuss and study in a groupThe key here is to choose your friends sensibly and to strictly limit how much time you study with them. Preferably you should do all your study by yourself, and use group studying time as a discussion to review or to clarify unclear pointsTip 7 - Always clear your doubts: Don't Forget to Ask WhyWe all hate to ask questions due to fear of looking dumb. However, we should not feel any embarrassment in asking any confusing question to our friends and mates. Asking questions, clearing confusion is not a crime or embarrassment but the real embarrassment, when you don't know something especially when you are interrogated about that in interviews or examsTip 8 - Customize the notes into your own summarized, easy to go through versionThis will help you to deal with the knowledge in an efficient way that you can access the knowledge easily and quickly. If you are unable to customize and summarize the notes then it is a clear sign that either the information is not presented in an organized way or you are not understanding it well Tip 9 - Enjoy what you are doingIf you find yourself getting bored of studying, stopover and take a break. Find a way that creates interest in your study, in case that can be by turning study into a game, making study interactive, more visual or even studying interesting case reports onlineTip 10 – Avoid taking ridiculous amounts of tea/coffee/caffeine based: Despite the fact some people find it a good idea to get themselves awake and active by taking strange amounts of coffee or tea etc. In fact it is not always a good deed especially on the day before an exam because it will cuff you ultimately and will end you up with muzzy feelingDespite the fact some people find it a good idea to get themselves awake and active by taking strange amounts of coffee or tea etc. In fact it is not always a good deed especially on the day before an exam because it will ultimately cuff you and will end you up with a muzzy feeling.

The Council of the College of Medicine at the holds its regular session.

The Council of the College of Medicine  held its regular session to discuss a number of important preparations for the next academic year.Where the council discussed clinical training, coordination with hospitals, laboratory equipment, curriculum development plan, and scientific agreements with international universities.The Deanship of the College aspires to provide full support to students and work to follow up on issues that concern them and work to address them.

Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs, Chairman of the Ph.D. Dissertation Committee

Prof. Dr. Ali Mansour Jassim, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs at the College of Medicine,  peace be upon him, participated in the doctoral discussion committee (chairman of the committee) at the University of Karbala, College of Education for Pure Sciences, by student Suhad Khaled Sagheer, for her thesis tagged Diagnosis of some types of yeast Candida spp.The thesis has been accepted with distinction

Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs Lecturer in the medical education course held by the Royal College of Internal Medicine in Iraq.

Prof. Dr. Ali Mansour Jassim, Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine, Warith Al-Anbiya University, PBUH, will participate as a lecturer in the medical education course held by the British Royal College of Internal Physicians. Iraq branchThe date of the lecture is Friday, August 10, at 8 pm on the Zoom platform.Lecture title: How to be a professional student

Head of the Pharmacology Branch at the College of Medicine publishes research within Scopus Q2 containers

Prof. Dr. Adeeb Ahmed Al-Zubaidi, Head of the Pharmacology Branch at the College of Medicine published a scientific research entitled: Ameliorative effects of topical gemifloxacin alone or in combination with clobetasol propionate on an imiquimod-induced psoriasis model in rats.Ameliorative effects of topical gemifloxacin alone or in combination with clobetasol propionate on imiquimod-induced psoriasis model in rats.In a solid international scientific journal within Scopus containers (Q2)Watch issued in Germany since 1873 ADAnd name:Nonen Schmidberg Archives of Pharmacology

A faculty member in the pharmacy branch who participates in the membership of a doctoral dissertation discussion

Prof. Dr. Adeeb Ahmed Al-Zubaidi, a faculty member in the Pharmacology Branch / College of Medicine / University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, participated in the membership of the discussion committee of doctoral student Shaima Muhammad Ali in the Pharmacology Branch / College of Medicine / Al-Nahrain University on Sunday 5/7/2023 as Supervising the completion of her thesis tagged:Effects of Valproic Acid and Huperzine A on Systemic Bone Loss, Inflammatory and Oxidative Stress Parameters in Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Experimental Study.The discussion committee consisted of the distinguished professors:1- Prof. Ahmed Rahma Ali / Chairman2- Prof. Ban Juma Qasim / member3- Prof. Faiq Isho Kurial / member4- Prof.. Muhammad Qasim Yahya/ member5- Prof.. Haider Faisal Ghazi / member6- Prof. Adeeb Ahmed Kazem Al-Zubaidi / member and supervisorThe thesis has been accepted successfully and with distinction

Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs participates in the Cairo Conference

The Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine, Lecturer Dr. Riyad Hanioh, participated in the Chem Talk 2023 conference, which was held in Cairo, Egypt.
The doctor's participation was through his lectures on the latest technologies in the field of diabetes and blood analysis tests.

An employee of the College of Medicine receives the Distinguished Employee Honor

Engineer Muhammad Baqer Salam won the Distinguished Employee Award for the College of Medicine in the competition held by the Scientific Affairs Department at the University Presidency

Intensive training course for students of the College of Medicine

The first intensive training course for students of the Coolege of Medicine, in which the university hosted a number of doctors and specialists.Where this program will be repeated to include all studentsThis restriction to training 90 students for each course is to achieve training and good application of skills.

"Intensive Training Course"

 "Intensive Training Course"Great enthusiasm among the students to master the training skills they learned during the previous days.

Pictures... At the end of the intensive training course

Pictures... At the end of the "intensive training course" for students of the College of Medicine, the University President honors the trained doctors with a shield of thanks and appreciation, for their valuable efforts in making this important course a success, which won the approval of the students.

Seminars on various diseases presented by students from the College of Medicine

In the presence of the university presidency and the college dean, first-stage students from the College of Medicine at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa showcased their knowledge through informative scientific seminars focusing on various diseases. These seminars provided a platform for the students to demonstrate their understanding of the topics and engage in scholarly discussions. The university administration's attendance reflects their support for the students' academic endea

News Nov. 1st 2022

 Kadhimiya Holy Shrine receiving UOWA’s professors and students of Law faculty as guests
In pictures.. Professors and students of Law Faculty at Warith Al-anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) are honored to visit the Holy Shrine of Al-Kadimiya on the sidelines of their visit to the Federal Supreme Court in Baghdad, the capital.
Nov. 1st 2022

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Attends a Conference in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

The presidency of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa represented by the scientific assistant, Professor Dr. Abbas Al-Daami, and the Dean of the College of Engineering, the assistant professor, Dr. Hakim Samawi Sultan has participated in the scientific conference held by the Ministry of higher education and scientific research entitled “Bologna Process System” and “Launching the National Plan for Higher Education”.   

The Minister of Higher Education Appreciates the Efforts of University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa

The Minister of Higher Education, Prof. Dr. Nabil Kazem Abdul Sahib, appreciates University of Warith Al- Anbiyaa efforts for its high carness and excellence in implementing the voluntary work program and consolidating this culture that enhances educational institutions, wishing continued success for our dear country.
It is noteworthy that the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa from the first year of its establishment provides various services by harnessing its academic energies in serving the local community of Karbala city.

The College of Islamic Sciences Honor the Top-Performing Students

The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Warith Al-Anbiya held a festivity to honor the top-performing students in the college departments for both the morning and evening studies. This celebration came to appreciate the students' efforts in their study and encourage them to do the best, at the same time it motivates other students to enhance their academic level. The celebration included many activities such as distributing certificates of appreciation and gifts to the students.

Warith Al-anbiyaa University Holds a Scientific Symposium.

The department of scientific affairs in Warith Al-anbiyaa University, in cooperation with the college of nursing holds a scientific symposium on “the effect of electronic games on children’s behavior”.

Warith Al-anbiyaa University Organizes a Training Course Entitled " Common Mistakes in Writing Administrative Correspondence".

Under the patronage of the President of Warith Al-anbiyaa University, the center of continuous learning in cooperation with the law college holds a training course for two days. A number of the academic staff in addition to the administrative staff have attended the course. The director of the course Prof. Dr. Lateef Najah Al-qassab indicates that the course consists of theoretical and practical part. The former presents a brief background of the common mistakes in formal writing while the later includes a number of common linguistic errors observed and explained with their correct usage. 

A Committee from the Ministry of Planning Visits Warith Al-anbiyaa University.

A committee from the central organization for standardization and quality control visits Warith Al-anbiyaa University to see the level of efficiency of laboratory equipment in the college of engineering. The committee is received by the scientific assistant, Prof. Dr. Abbas Al-Daami and the Dean of the College of Engineering, Dr. Raouf Muhammad. After viewing the laboratories, the committee stated that the laboratory equipment is modern and subject to the controls of the (COSQC).
