Global Recognition: University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Shines in Scimago Ranking of Research Institutions

In a qualitative step reflecting its commitment to academic and research excellence, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (Peace be upon him) celebrates its remarkable achievement in entering the Scimago Institution Rankings (SIR), one of the leading global rankings of research institutions. This accomplishment is the fruit of the university's continuous efforts to enhance qualitative scientific research and adopt effective strategies to support innovation and creativity. Managed by the Spanish National Research Council, the ranking primarily relies on rigorous criteria including research performance, innovation, and institutions' contribution to achieving sustainable development goals through serving the community. The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa's entry into this ranking in a record time serves as strong evidence of the quality and impact of the research produced by the university on the international level. This achievement not only crowns the university's diligent work and strategic vision but also confirms its position as a leading center for scientific research that serves the community and contributes to sustainable development globally.




University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Hosts a Delegation from Mashkaat Seminary in an Introductory Visit

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) hosted a delegation of professors and students of Islamic studies from Mashkaat Seminary. The delegation was warmly received by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Professor Dr. Waqid Al-Mousawi.
The delegation toured the university's colleges and departments, familiarizing themselves with the study programs and various academic activities. They also visited the projects of the Holy Shrine, where they were briefed on the activities and initiatives carried out by the university in collaboration with the Holy Shrine.
This visit is part of enhancing cultural and academic exchange between various educational and religious institutions, and promoting mutual understanding between students of knowledge and researchers in the field of Islamic studies.

Arduino Course Announcement: From Basics to Professional

March 5, 2024
In support of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University's pioneering role in organizing various scientific events and activities, contributing to maximum benefit for university staff and students in scientific departments through practical application of some devices and sensors in the medical field.
In this context, the Continuous Education Center, in coordination with the College of Engineering / Biomedical Engineering Department, is organizing a course titled "Arduino from Basics to Professional" with the following details:

The course starts on 09/03/2024 at 12:30 PM for five days, with 2 training hours per day.
An exam will be conducted at the end of the course, and participants will receive a participation certificate.
The course will be presented by Mr. Mustafa Habib Jiyad.
The course will take place at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University – Osma Building – Computer Lab.

The training objectives include installing the Arduino program and downloading its libraries, understanding Arduino ports, writing and reading Arduino code, connecting Arduino to sensors and simple display screens, and linking Arduino to some electronic components.
The target audience includes students of the College of Engineering, and the course is free. Graduates of the College of Engineering/ Warith Al-Anbiyaa University will pay half the amount, and those outside the university will pay 50,000 Iraqi dinars.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University Launches "Arduino from Scratch to Professional" Course

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) announces the launch of a distinctive training course titled "Arduino from Scratch to Professional" in collaboration and coordination between the Continuous Education Center and the College of Engineering - Biomedical Engineering Department.
The course will commence on Saturday, March 9, 2024, and will continue for five days, featuring training sessions lasting two hours each day. The aim of the course is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to use and apply Arduino technology at a professional level.
This course represents a unique opportunity for students and individuals interested in the fields of engineering and technology to enhance their skills and deepen their knowledge in using Arduino and its various applications.

A Spectacular Graduation Celebration for Engineering College Students on a Day Filled with Hope and Pride

On a day brimming with joy and pride, families of Engineering College students gathered to share in their children's crowning moment of academic achievement. The ceremony, which included graduates from the three departments - Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and HVAC Engineering Technologies - witnessed remarkable attendance from the college's deanship and faculty members, alongside esteemed families who adorned the celebration with their presence.These moments embraced by the college were not merely a culmination of years of hard work and dedication but a witness to a significant milestone in the students' lives, filled with challenges and accomplishments.The college extends its best wishes for success to all its graduates, not marking the end of its role in their lives but the beginning of a new responsibility they carry in building their practical and professional futures. This special day, serving as a bridge to a bright future, reminds every graduate that every moment of toil and vigilance has culminated in success and excellence, declaring their readiness to leave a distinctive mark in their communities and workplaces.

A Grand Celebration Marks the Dreams of Graduating Students from the College of Islamic Sciences

In A moment that embodied the fruits of hard work and perseverance, students from the College of Islamic Sciences celebrated their graduation in a majestic ceremony attended by the college deanship, faculty members, and proud families. Years of toil and dedication culminated in success, and the pressures of study transformed into memories as they were engulfed in the joy of achievement.
The college administration extended its warmest wishes to its graduates, emphasizing the importance of the role they will play in society and expressing its great confidence in their abilities to make a positive difference in their future fields.
The celebration of their graduation is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey filled with ambition, challenges, and achievements.

Unique Graduation Moments for Administration and Economics College Students at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University

In a special celebration, students from the Administration and Economics College, specializing in Accounting and Business Management, graduated from Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him).
The image witnessed moments of joy and pride, embodying the achievements and aspirations of these ambitious graduates.
The college extends its heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to all its dear students, wishing them a bright future filled with success and excellence in their professional lives. These moments serve as evidence of the great efforts they have exerted and their strong determination to face challenges and achieve success.

Participation of the President of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University in the Handover Ceremony of the Presidency of the Arab Universities Union

In the presence of His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Abboudi, the President of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him), Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, participated in the handover ceremony of the current session's presidency of the Arab Universities Union to the University of Baghdad. This event took place as part of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Union's establishment.
The ceremony was distinguished by the attendance of a multitude of parliamentary, academic, Arab, and Iraqi personalities, in addition to representatives of international organizations and unions. The University of Baghdad witnessed the commencement of the "General Conference of Arab Universities," focusing on enhancing cooperation and scientific exchange among Arab universities.
This prominent event reflects the commitment of Arab universities to enhancing partnership and cooperation in higher education, marking an important step towards promoting leadership and excellence in the academic field at both regional and international levels.

Success of the First National Examination for English Language Proficiency at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) announced the conduct of the first national examination for English language proficiency for students applying for postgraduate studies. Dr. Haider Al-Ghanimi, Director of the Continuing Education Center, affirmed that the university provided all the necessary technical and logistical requirements for the successful conduct of the examination.
Al-Ghanimi stated that the first examination was successful, with no technical issues reported, and students performed the exam smoothly. He emphasized the continuity of the Continuing Education Center in receiving students on Mondays and Wednesdays to take the national examination, with the basic requirement of registration and scheduling the examination appointment through the designated ministry link.

Tweet by His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education on the Occasion of the Launch of the "General Conference of Arab Universities"

The Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Abboudi, tweeted expressing his pride in the tangible progress in the higher education environment, saying:
"Sequential indicators and achievements in the higher education environment in Iraq, where for the first time in its history, the General Conference of the Arab Universities Union is launched in Baghdad on Monday. We inspected all the logistical preparations and followed its readiness at the University of Baghdad, which hosted the executive office, coinciding with the sixtieth anniversary of the Union's establishment."

Teacher's Day Greetings

 Date: 2024/03/01
Dr. Mortada Ghanim Adai Al-Jubouri, Dean of the Nursing College at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (PBUH), extends warm congratulations to the educational community on the occasion of Teacher's Day, celebrated on the first of March every year. He emphasized that teachers are the makers of leaders and the builders of generations, with a noble mission that has had a significant impact on sectors and segments of society. He recalled their efforts and sacrifices in imparting knowledge, teaching skills, and instilling high morals and values in life. Al-Jubouri wished the educational community continued success and excellence. Wishing you all well every year.

Workshop Announcement: First Specialized Workshop in Iraq for Crowd Medicine Management in Collaboration with the World Health Academy

March 3, 2024
The first of its kind specialized workshop in Iraq, in collaboration with the World Health Academy, represents a significant event aimed at enhancing the skills of crowd medicine management in the country. Following the success of the first edition held in Qatar, Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) chose to host this workshop, bringing together international experts and specialists in this field.
The workshop was distinguished by the presence of leading international experts in crowd medicine management, such as Dr. Nelson Olim from Portugal, Dr. Harald Vein from the Netherlands, and Dr. Ali Mahdi from the United Kingdom. In addition to international and specialized medical figures, representatives from the "Regional Center for Emergency Medicine at the Iraqi Ministry of Health" and the operations directors from health departments in Iraqi provinces participated.
The workshop aims to develop training skills in crowd medicine and incident management during mass gatherings, mass casualty management, and crowd medicine training. Organizing such events is an important step towards enhancing medical capabilities and skills in the fields of emergencies and disaster management in Iraq, promoting international cooperation in this regard.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University's Participation in the Opening of "Ain Al-Hayat" Festival

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) had the honor of participating in the opening of the second edition of the "Ain Al-Hayat" Festival, organized by the "Al-Qabas Foundation for Culture and Development." The distinguished event was attended by the Dean of the College of Islamic Sciences, Dr. Talal Al-Kamali. The festival witnessed the participation of various holy shrines in Iraq and a group of religious institutions.
The festival was organized in commemoration of the birth of the awaited Imam Al-Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance) and celebrated this significant religious occasion at the Baghdad International Fairground. This event is part of the ongoing efforts to promote culture and development in society, fostering cultural exchange and communication among various participating entities.

Commencement of the Second Semester Examination for Nursing College Students under the Supervision of the Dean

Under the supervision and guidance of the Dean of the Nursing College, Professor Dr. Murtadha Al-Jubouri, first-year students at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) commenced the Second Semester Examination for the current academic year.
The examination was conducted in the "Ouski" laboratories at the National Center for Medical Competency Assessment.
The college wishes all its dear students the best of luck and success in this examination, and appreciates the efforts exerted by them towards achieving academic excellence. This step reflects the college's commitment to providing a stimulating and advanced educational environment that contributes to the development of students' skills and prepares them for a successful professional future in the field of nursing.

Memorable Graduation Moments for Law College Students

Unique moments were captured for the Law College students at our university as they celebrated their graduation with pride and joy. In this image, their academic accomplishments and dedication to achieving their dreams shine through.
The college wishes all its dear students the best of luck and success in their professional lives, confident that they will be a driving force for change and development in the field of law. These moments mark a new beginning for a bright future filled with achievements and opportunities.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University Council Congratulates on Teacher's Day

The Council of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (PBUH) is pleased to extend its heartfelt congratulations to all educational and pedagogical entities on the occasion of Teacher's Day. On this day, as we celebrate the dedication and diligence of teachers, we wish every teacher success in their educational and teaching mission. We thank them for their sincere and continuous efforts in building generations and guiding them towards knowledge and morality. Wishing you all well, and a blessed holiday to all teachers nationwide.

A Scholarly Excursion for Law College Students at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University to Babil Province

The Law College at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) organized a distinctive scholarly excursion for its students in collaboration with faculty members. The excursion headed to the Department of Investigations, Criminal Evidence, and Criminal Registration in Babil Province.
During this excursion, students familiarized themselves with the legal procedures followed in the province and gained insight into the process of criminal registration and the conduct of criminal investigations. A detailed explanation was provided to the students regarding the collection and analysis of evidence, along with a practical demonstration of investigative procedures in criminal law.
This excursion provided a valuable opportunity for students to closely understand the criminal justice process and the application of law in practical settings. Such activities contribute to motivating and guiding students towards a deeper understanding of their field of study and its future application.

Important Announcement: University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Receives Ministry Approval to Establish Postgraduate Programs

With pride and honor, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (Peace be upon him) announces that it has received approval from the Ministry of Higher Education to launch postgraduate programs. Join us to continue your academic journey in distinguished specializations: Islamic Sciences, Intellectual Security, and Civil Engineering.
Seize the opportunity to register and participate in shaping the future.

University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Receives Approval from the Ministry of Higher Education to Establish Postgraduate Studies in Biological Specializations

The Ministry of Higher Education in Iraq has announced its approval to establish postgraduate studies in private colleges, and among the universities benefiting from this decision is the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa. The university has received approval to open Master's and Higher Diploma programs in biological specializations.
This new step is part of the Iraqi government's efforts to enhance the higher education sector and expand educational services in the country. The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa is considered one of the prestigious educational institutions in Iraq, receiving government support to strengthen its role in providing quality and specialized higher education.
The university's management expressed great happiness with this decision, emphasizing the importance of offering specialized academic programs that meet the needs of the job market and contribute to the development of society and the national economy. Among the approved specializations are Islamic Sciences/Intellectual Security and Civil Engineering.
It is expected that applications for these new programs will be accepted in the next academic semester, offering exciting opportunities for ambitious students seeking advanced degrees in various essential fields.

Continuing Education Center Nationally Accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research

Following the outstanding success of the national pilot test designed to assess English language proficiency, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has officially accredited the Continuing Education Center at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa as the official center for conducting the national test for postgraduate students. The center's director, Dr. Haider Al-Ghanimi, expressed gratitude for the university's support and the advanced infrastructure provided by the Electronic Computing Center, contributing to the success of the first national test.
Under the new arrangements, the national test will be conducted twice a week on Mondays and Wednesdays, starting from March. An exclusive website for booking has been designated. Students wishing to take the national test should contact the Continuing Education Center after online booking within a period not exceeding 72 hours to confirm the reservation.

Map Image Illustrating the Location of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa as an IELTS Testing Center

An image of the map illustrates the location of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa in Iraq as an authorized testing center for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). The university invites students interested in obtaining the globally recognized British IELTS certificate to register for the exam. The first IELTS exam at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa is scheduled for March 5, 2024.
For inquiries and registration:
Contact the educational consultants of the center at the following numbers:
- 07729266622
- 07862687644
- 07702269990
Or via email:
Stay updated through the Telegram channel:
Visit the official website for details:
Location: Karbala, on the Baghdad-Karbala road, Al-A'la Building, 3rd floor - University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa.

University of Warith Congratulates on the Birth Anniversary of the Sultan of the Age

Imam Al-Sadiq (PBUH) said: "Indeed, when our Qa'im rises, the earth will shine with the light of its Lord, and the servants will be relieved of the sun's light." Source: Bihar Al-Anwar, Vol. 52, p. 330 We extend our highest congratulations to the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH), and his purified household (PBUH), and to our great authorities, believers, and female believers, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the Savior of Humanity, the Sultan of the Age, Qa'im Al-Muhammad, the Imam Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance). Wishing you all well every year.

Training Course Organization for Medical Units during The Shaabani visit

In the presence of the Dean of the College, Professor Dr. Ali Abd Saadoun, the College of Medicine at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (Peace be upon him), in collaboration with the Health Department at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain, organized the "Intensive Training Course for Medical Units during the Blessed Shaabanian Pilgrimage." The course was attended by a number of students from the College of Medicine and the College of Nursing who volunteered to serve the visitors coming to the holy city of Karbala.

Scientific Visit for College of Engineering Students to Sheikh Ahmed Al-Waeli Foundation

Under the patronage of the Dean of the College of Engineering, Prof. Dr. Hussein Hadi Al-Awadi, the Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa organized a scientific visit for third-year students to Sheikh Ahmed Al-Waeli Foundation, accompanied by department professors. The visit aimed to familiarize students with the equipment and units used in the field of air conditioning and refrigeration, enhancing their scientific knowledge.
