May God have mercy on the deceased and condolences to the family. To God we belong to whom we shall return.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
"Every soul will taste death, and you will only be given your full compensation on the Day of Resurrection. So, he who is drawn away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has attained [his desire]. And what is the life of this world except the enjoyment of delusion." (Quran, 3:185)
May Allah, the Most High, grant mercy to the deceased and grant patience and solace to her family. To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we shall return.

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa As The Center for National Examinations

As part of the efforts of the Ministry of Higher Education, the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) implemented its strategic plan for a new phase of academic and educational development. In this context, a center for national examinations was established, aiming to conduct proficiency exams in the English language.
Dr. Haider Al-Ghanimi, the Director of the Continuous Education Center at the university, explained that the goal of these exams is to provide more opportunities for those aspiring to pursue postgraduate studies within Iraq. The university successfully conducted a pilot test to assess the technical infrastructure readiness of the center, preparing for the official national exam at the end of February.
Dr. Al-Ghanimi emphasized that the successful pilot exam experience indicates the center's readiness to provide services efficiently and with high quality. This aligns with the university's efforts to provide an advanced academic environment that meets the needs of students and the community. It is noteworthy that the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) previously established a specialized exam center for official English language tests, such as the British IELTS exams, in addition to national English language exams.

Engineering College Students Celebrate the Birthdays of the Imams in the Month of Sha'ban

With the presence of the Dean of the Engineering College, Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Hadi Al-Awadi, and faculty members, students of the Engineering College at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) commemorated the birth anniversaries of the descendants of Muhammad in the esteemed month of Sha'ban. The celebration included hosting Professor Haider Al-Muallem, and the reciters Samir Al-Wa'ili, Hussein Al-Aqeeli, Ali Al-Wa'ili, and Rida Atheer Al-Karbala'i, who presented distinguished artistic performances to celebrate this great religious occasion.

Scientific Symposium at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University Reveals Dimensions of Human Rights Violations in the Previous Period

In line with its commitment to promoting human rights awareness and continuous education, the College of Medicine at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) organized a significant scientific symposium on "Human Rights Violations in the Era of the Previous Regime." The symposium witnessed active participation from students and faculty members.
The event featured in-depth and analytical presentations on the violations that occurred during the previous period. Professor Dr. Sabah Al-Jubouri and Dr. Saad Al-Deen Al-Banna provided a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by society at that time and the profound impact on human rights.
This symposium is part of the university's efforts to enhance awareness of the importance of respecting human rights and emphasizes the necessity of discussing human rights issues to promote a more just and developed society.

Congratulations from the Council of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him)

The Council of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) extends its heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Al-Aboudi, and to the academic and scientific elites in our beloved country on the significant achievement.
The National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq has granted full international accreditation by the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). This accreditation covers the evaluation of programs and standards in ensuring the quality of education in medical fields.
Wishing them further progress and success in scientific and academic fields.

Conclusion of Table Tennis Championship with Distribution of Prizes to Winners

The Table Tennis Championship at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) concluded successfully under the sponsorship and supervision of the Student Activities Department, with broad participation from students in various colleges.
The championship witnessed strong competition among participating students, creating an atmosphere filled with enthusiasm and challenge. At the end of the championship, the winners were honored, and prizes were distributed to the champions who impressed the audience with their skills and expertise.
The student Haider Ghazwan from the College of Medicine secured the first position, and student Hussein Mohammed from the College of Engineering excelled, securing the second position.

Implementation of Bologna Process Mechanisms in the College of Engineering Under the Supervision of Academic Leaders

Under the supervision of the Assistant President for Scientific Affairs, Dr. Waqad Al-Mousawi, the teaching process and its methods in the College of Engineering were monitored. The Dean, Assistant Professor Dr. Hussein Al-Awadi, and the Director of the Continuous Education Center, Dr. Haider Al-Ghanimi, attended the session.
During the meeting, interaction with students from the early stages was emphasized to observe the application of Bologna Process mechanisms and address any challenges that students might face.

University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Congratulates the Islamic Nation on the Birth Anniversary of Ali Al-Akbar

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa extends its warmest congratulations on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the Hashemite boy, resembling the Chosen One, and named the Accepted, Ali Al-Akbar (PBUH).

The Second Balloon Festival - In Pictures

On the occasion of the auspicious births of the progeny of Muhammad (peace be upon them) in the blessed month of Sha'ban, the students of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University expressed their heartfelt messages, wishes, and congratulations to the Awaited Saviour (may Allah hasten his reappearance). The students showcased their creativity in the Second Balloon Festival, organizing a vibrant event at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University.
The festival featured beautifully crafted balloons carrying messages of hope, prayers, and remembrances for the Ahlul Bayt (peace be upon them). The students used this creative platform to express their love and devotion to the noble family of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny).
In the pictures, you can witness the colorful and joyous atmosphere of the Second Balloon Festival, a heartfelt celebration of the blessed occasions and an expression of the students' deep connection to the teachings and values of the Ahlul Bayt.

University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Tops the Iraqi Ranking for Academic Departments in Various Specializations

The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, through the Scientific Supervision and Evaluation Agency, announced the results of the "Iraqi Ranking for Academic Departments" for both government and private universities. University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) excelled in achieving notable accomplishments in various specializations.
In the field of engineering, the Department of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technologies in the College of Engineering secured the first position nationwide in the Iraqi ranking, while the Department of Civil Engineering ranked first among private universities and tenth among government universities. Additionally, the Nursing Department achieved the second position among private universities and the fifth position among government universities. The Accounting Department in the College of Administration and Economics secured the fourth position among private universities and the tenth position among government universities.
In the field of Business Administration, it ranked seventh among private universities and fifteenth among government universities. Finally, the Law Department secured the twelfth position among private universities and the twenty-ninth position among government universities.
This accomplishment reflects the college's efforts to promote awareness and education regarding important social and health issues, aiming to contribute to a healthy and prosperous society.

Drugs: Analysis of their Effects on the Individual and Society

The College of Islamic Sciences at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) organized a significant scientific lecture titled "Effects of Drug Abuse on the Individual and Society from Medical, Psychological, and Religious Perspectives." The lecture focused on a comprehensive analysis of the impact of drug abuse on both individuals and society, covering medical, psychological, and religious aspects.
The lecture was delivered by the specialist Dr. Ali Hamad Al-Kalkawi, addressing the harmful effects of drug abuse on physical and mental health, as well as its impact on social and familial relationships. The religious perspective on this phenomenon and the importance of addressing it through religious and cultural awareness were also discussed.
This lecture is part of the college's efforts to raise awareness and educate about important social and health issues, aiming to contribute to a healthy and prosperous society.

Quran House Competition: Memorization of Verses Revealed about Imam Mahdi

The Quran House at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain announced a written competition in collaboration with the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him), specifically from the Student Activities Department. This competition targets students of the university, testing their thematic memorization skills of verses revealed about Imam Mahdi - may Allah hasten his honorable reappearance - in the Quran.
This competition is part of the preparations for the upcoming anniversary of the birth of the awaited Imam. The organizers aim to enhance awareness of the personality of Imam Mahdi and his significance in Islamic heritage, encouraging students to study and memorize verses related to him.
It is expected that this competition will be a fruitful opportunity for students to enhance their reading and memorization skills, promote religious and cultural spirit among them through engaging in exciting competition, and positively interact with this important activity. General Secretariat of Imam Hussain Holy Shrine
Imam Hussain Holy Shrine
University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa
peace be upon him

Dr. Al-Aboudi Reviews Iraq Obtains International Accreditation From World Federation For Medical Education (WFME)

His Excellency, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Dr. Naeem Abd Yaser Al-Aboudi reviewed that the World Federation for Medical Education (WFME) granted the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq (NCAMC) full international accreditation at the level of program evaluation and approved standards in fields within the quality of medical education.
Dr. Al-Aboudi said that the text of the letter sent by World Federation for Medical Education stated that the recognition committee of (WFME) concluded its vote and agreed to recognize the NCAMC for a period extending until 2034, as well as the National Council for Accreditation of Medical Colleges in Iraq is considered accredited in its policies and procedures to ensure the quality of medical education.
His Excellency congratulates the Iraqi people, their esteemed government and the National Council for Accreditation of Colleges of Medicine and University and Health Institutions on this unprecedented historical achievement, which bears a conclusive indication that the achieved international accreditation represents the summary of the hard work of our solid national educational institutions that were accomplished with complete confidence and responsibility and in record time is what the sincere people aspire to in the medical education environment in Iraq.

Workshop on Developing Life Skills for Medical Students

On February 19, a workshop titled "Developing Life Skills" was conducted at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him), in collaboration with the Warith Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Development. The workshop was specifically designed for first-year students at the College of Medicine and was facilitated by trainer M.M. Safaa Al-Silawi.
The workshop encompassed a diverse range of interactive activities and purposeful discussions aimed at enhancing positive thinking and building self-confidence among the students. Practical tips and guidance were provided for applying these life skills in daily life, as well as in various professional fields.
The event reflects the university's commitment to holistic education, ensuring that students not only excel academically but also acquire essential life skills that contribute to their personal and professional development.

Scientific Seminar on Executive Procedures for Law Students

The College of Law at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) organized a scientific seminar titled "Executive Procedures," with the participation of the college's dean, Dr. Ali Al-Sharifi. The lecture was delivered by the judicial executor Alaa Fadel Al-Hakim.
The seminar provided an explanation of the provisions of Execution Law No. (45) of 1980, highlighting the executive procedures related to the seizure and sale of movable and immovable property of the debtor. The speaker also addressed the mechanisms for collecting ongoing alimony and the rights of the wife and children.
Emphasis was placed on achieving a balance in decision-making by the judicial executor to ensure justice for both parties involved in the execution dispute. These are fundamental aspects of execution law discussed during the seminar.

Scientific Seminar on Required Skills in the Job Market

The Department of Business Administration at the College held a scientific seminar titled "Skills Required for the Job Market." The event was attended by the Dean of the College of Management and Economics, Dr. Awad Al-Khaldi, along with several faculty members. The seminar was presented by Mr. Azhar Al-Rikabi.
The seminar addressed the essential skills that graduates must possess to effectively integrate into the job market. Emphasis was placed on the importance of continuous self-development and skills enhancement for students, with the goal of working in the private sector and not solely relying on the public sector.

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University Hosts Workshop on Basic Life Support

Warith Al-Anbiyaa University is hosting a training workshop titled "Basic Life Support," with the presence of Mr. Dean of the College of Nursing, Professor Dr. Murtadha Al-Jubouri. This workshop is part of a series of training events organized by the college for its students.
The workshop is organized in collaboration between the College of Nursing, the Dean's Office of the College of Medicine, and the Directorate of Emergency Medical Operations and Services. The aim is to enhance students' skills in the field of basic life support, particularly for vulnerable groups such as the elderly and children.
The organization of this workshop reflects the university's commitment to developing the skills of its students and providing exceptional educational and training opportunities, thereby strengthening its position as a distinguished educational center in the field of healthcare.

Quality Evaluation of Internal Departments at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa

A committee from the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, headed by Dr. Ahmed Hamandi Yahya, visited the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him). The delegation was received by the Administrative Assistant, Professor Dr. Nawfal Al-Araji.
The purpose of this visit is to assess the quality of internal departments at the university and to review new departments under construction. The evaluation of the quality of internal departments is an essential part of the university development process, ensuring the delivery of education and services at the highest level.
It is expected that this visit will contribute to improving and enhancing academic and administrative quality at the university by exchanging experiences and knowledge with relevant authorities and adopting best practices in the field of higher education.

Educational Trip Launched by the College of Media at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa to the Iraqi Media Network

The College of Media at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) organized a special educational trip for students of the Digital Media Department to the Iraqi Media Network in the capital, Baghdad, accompanied by faculty members.
The program of the visit included exciting details, highlighting the work of news presenters and program hosts, exploring their methods and techniques in conveying events and information. The visit also provided an opportunity for students to closely familiarize themselves with the work of the editing department and channel studios, allowing them to understand the process of program production and editing directly and practically.
This educational trip is a crucial step in directing students toward practical aspects and expanding their knowledge, contributing to the development of their skills and enriching their academic experience.

Workshop on Creativity and Innovation in Project Management

The Warith Center for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Development at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them) organized a training workshop for students from the University of Karbala / College of Education for Pure Sciences. The workshop, titled "Creativity and Innovation in Project Management," was delivered by trainer Safaa Al-Silawi.
The workshop included a variety of interactive activities and purposeful discussions with the aim of enhancing positive thinking and building self-confidence among students. Practical tips and guidance were provided for applying these skills in daily life and various work areas.
This workshop is part of the center's efforts to enhance students' skills and develop their capabilities in the field of project management, encouraging creativity and innovation in the learning and academic development environment.

Workshop on Cybersecurity Fundamentals

The Information Technology Department at the College of Science organized a training workshop for its students titled "Cybersecurity Fundamentals." The workshop was conducted by the trainer Hussam Mohammed Al-Owaidi.
The workshop covered essential topics in the field of cybersecurity, including information security, phishing, and fraud, as well as types of malicious and harmful software. Emphasis was placed on how to protect electronic information and enhance security in the online environment.
The workshop aims to provide students with basic knowledge in the field of cybersecurity and raise awareness about the importance of protecting sensitive data and information in the current digital age.

Launching the "Anatomy Champions" Competition Under the Patronage of His Excellency, the Dean of the College of Nursing

With an initiative from the Dean's Office of the College of Nursing and under the patronage of His Excellency, the Dean of the College, the college announces the launch of a competition titled "Anatomy Champions." This competition aims to encourage first-year students, testing their knowledge and skills in the field of anatomy.
The competition is scheduled to take place on Saturday, February 24, 2024, in the auditorium of the College of Nursing. Certificates of appreciation and valuable prizes will be awarded to the winning team.
This competition provides a unique opportunity to promote constructive competitiveness among students and enhance their skills in the field of anatomy, contributing to the improvement of learning levels and academic development.

Activation of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University's LinkedIn Page

We are pleased to announce the activation of the official page for Warith Al-Anbiyaa University on the LinkedIn platform. You can now follow us and connect with us through the official page via the following link:
Activation of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University's LinkedIn PageLinkedIn is not just a communication platform; it is a space that brings together current students, alumni, academics, and employers. We encourage everyone, whether current students or alumni, to follow the page to stay informed about the latest university news, job opportunities, and upcoming events.
Through LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to connect with professionals in your academic and professional fields, explore job opportunities, and showcase your skills prominently. This platform contributes to building your professional path, enhancing your digital presence, and helping expand your professional network.
Join us on LinkedIn and be part of our distinguished digital community.

Islamic Sciences College Event to Commemorate the Birth of the Muhammadan Moons

The Islamic Sciences College at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (PBUH) organized a special event commemorating the birth of the Muhammadan Moons in the esteemed month of Sha'ban, under the theme "Message to Imam Hussain (PBUH): Kindness to Parents and Comforting Hearts." The event addressed the values of kindness to parents and comforting hearts, focusing on the lessons learned from the life of Imam Hussain (PBUH) and their importance in building the Islamic community.
