1-Loss of transcription factor nuclear factor-erythroid 2 (NF-E2) p45-related factor-2 (Nrf2) leads to dysregulation of immune functions, redox homeostasis, and intracellular signaling in dendritic cells. Han Xian Aw Yeang, Junnat M. Hamdam, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Swaminathan Sethu, Laiche Djouhri, Joanne Walsh, Neil Kitteringham, B. Kevin Park, Christopher E. Goldring, and Jean G. Sathish. Journal of Biological Chemistry JBC 2012; 287 (13):10556-64.
2-Heme oxygenase-1 regulates dendritic cell function through modulation of p38MAPK-CREB/ATF1 signalling. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Han Xian Aw Yeang, Junnat M Hamdam, Swaminathan Sethu, Naif Alhumeed, Wai Wong and Jean G Sathish. Journal of Biological Chemistry JBC 2014; 289 (23):16442-51.
3- Nuclear factor-erythroid 2 (NF-E2) p45-related factor-2 (Nrf2) modulates dendritic cell immune function through regulation of p38MAPK-CREB/ATF1 signalling. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Han Xian Aw Yeang, Swaminathan Sethu, Naif Alhumeed, Junnat M Hamdam, Yulia Tingle, Laiche Djouhri, Neil Kitteringham, B Kevin Park, Christopher E Goldring and Jean G Sathish. Journal of Biological Chemistry JBC 2013; 288 (31):22281-88.
4- T Cell Co-inhibitory Receptors: Functions and Signalling Mechanisms. Thilipan Thaventhiran, Swaminathan Sethu, Han Xian Aw Yeang, Laith Al-Huseini, Junnat Hamdam and Jean G Sathish. J Clin Cell Immunol 2012, S12.
5- A Comparative Study of Antipyretic Activity of Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen in Febrile Children. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini Kufa Medical Journal 2008; 18:187-92.
6-Effect of Methyl Dopa on Serum Lipid Profile in Rats. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Jabbar Al-Mayah. Al-Qadisiyah Medical Journal 2005; 8:65-70.
7- Effect of Hibiscus Sabdariffa on Serum Lipid Profile. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Hawraa Mahmood, Abdul Al-Razak Abdul Al-Latif and Jabbar Al-Mayah. Kufa Medical Journal 2004: 14:158-63.
8- Effective cefixime treatment in pregnant women with urinary tract infection. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Asma A. Swadi and Saba M Swadi. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 2016, 8(2):73-78.
9- A comparison study of the echocardiographic changes in hypertensive patients treated with telmisartan vs. enalapril. Najah R Hadi, Mohammad S Abdulzahra, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Hayder A Al-Aubaidy. International Journal of Cardiology 2017; 230: 269–274.
10- The effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine and its impact on demographic characteristics for children in Babylon city, Iraq. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences 2018; 9(3):755-761.
11- Study the Distribution of Rotavirus Genotypes in Vaccinated and non-Vaccinated Children in Babylon Province. Qassim Mahdi Mutlak, Manal Khalid Abdulridha and Laith M. A. Al-Huseini. Iraqi J Pharm Sci, Vol.30(2) 2021.
12- DMF Ameliorating Cerebral Ischemia / Reperfusion Injury in Male Rats. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini. Sys Rev Pharm 2019, 10(1):206-213.
13- Combination of Bardoxolone and DMF Ameliorates Cerebral Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Male Rats. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Al-Mudhaffer RH, Abosaooda M, Hassan SM and Hadi NR.
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14- Myricetin Ameliorates Brain Damage Induces by Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury in Rats. Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Wadhah Mahbuba, Manar Hameed Mohammed, Fadhaa Abdulameer Ghafil, Maysaa Ali Abdul Khaleq, Najah R. Hadi, Zina Zwaini. Asian Journal of Pharmaceutics, Jan-Mar 2020, 14 (1) 36.
15- Updates in the Prevalence of Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Babylon City. Qassim Mahdi Mutlak, Manal Khalid Abdulridha, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini. AJPS, 2018, Vol. 18, No.2
16- Both Telmisartan and Atenolol Improve Left Ventricular Diastolic Function and Cause Regression of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy in Hypertensive Patients. Mohammad S Abdulzahra, Najah R Hadi, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini and Hayder Al-Aubaidy. World Heart Journal, Volume 10, Number 3.
17- High-Level of Notch 1/Jagged 1 Level up Regulated Chemo-Resistance of Cisplatin in NSCLC. Nasser Ghaly Yousifa, Alla Mohammed Sadique, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Muntadher Noaman Jassim, Najah R. Hadi, Fadhil Al-Amran. Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(5):917-922.
18- Tetramethylperazine alleviates sepsis-induced myocardial injury in mice by suppression NOX2-ERK1/2 signaling pathway. Nasser Ghaly Yousif, Ankur Sharma, Najah R. Hadi, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Majidah Naser Mohsin. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 2021; 32(3): 13594 - 13607.
19- Bardoxolone Ameliorates Cerebral Ischemia/ Reperfusion Injury in Male Rats. Rihab H Al-Mudhaffer, Laith M. A. Al-Huseini, Saif M Hassan, Najah R Hadi. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health 2019; 22 (4): 122-130.
20- Liraglutide attenuate myocardial injury through down-regulation of proinflammatory cytokines: modulates Notch1/Jagged1 signaling pathway. Nasser Ghaly Yousif, Ankur Sharma, Najah R. Hadi, Laith Mohammed Abbas, Zahraa Younis, Fadhil G. Al-Amran, Maitham G. Yousif, Ahmed N. Altimimi. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation; 2021; 32(3): 13608 – 1686.
21-The Protective Effects of Dimethyl Fumarate (Dmf) and Heparin Sulfate on Cerebral Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury Induced in Male Rats. Manar Hameed Mohammed , Laith M Abbas Al-Huseini , Hajer Alaa Obeid , Mahmud AR Shukri Alam , Fatima Adnan Alzubaidi and Saif M. Hassan. Azerbaijan Pharmaceutical and Pharmacotherapy Journal, VOLUME 23, ISSUE 2, Pages 92-96.
22- Microbial Infection disease Diagnosis and treatment by Artificial Intelligence