Control and Internal Audit
Vision and Objectives :
First: Mission of the Control and Internal Audit Department.
Proposing appropriate steps to correct the results of checking and conformity, providing advice to management, achieving compliance with policies, procedures and plans set, as well as verifying the range of asset protection procedures and also improving and developing performance. The main objective of the audit is to assist management members in carrying out their tasks and responsibilities through checking and evaluation processes and giving advice to management for the purpose of introducing improvements that are in the interest of the university.
Secondly: The Vision of the Audit and Internal Control Department
The Audit and Internal Control Department seeks to meet the requirements of the university and take into account accuracy and transparency in the application of laws, instructions and regulations in force to ensure the success of all legal, administrative and financial procedures. This is done according to accurate and elaborate programs that continue to develop in line with all developments.
Thirdly: Objectives of the Audit and Internal Control Department
The Department of Audit and Internal Control aims to apply the current laws and instructions in all financial and administrative actions in order to tighten control over the financial resources and revenues achieved by the university and applying these financial and accounting instructions to know the extent of their commitment to the decisions and laws in force in order to achieve the goal of control and audit in preserving public money.
The Head of the Control and Internal Audit Department Speech
Auditing is defined as a set of methods, means and procedures adopted by the university for multiple purposes, including protecting the university's assets and funds, ensuring the accuracy of accounting and statistical data, achieving maximum efficiency and productivity, as well as ensuring that employees adhere to the administrative policies and systems set to achieve the main and subsidiary objectives. So the audit and internal control undertakes the task of regular examination and review of financial and accounting transactions and even letters and administrative orders and verifying their legality. And its validity and fixation in documents and records and performs all tasks and procedures by an independent body or department within the university, which is the Department of Audit and Internal Control, and this section undertakes many tasks.