كلية العلوم الإسلامية تنظم ندوة حول جرائم حزب البعث في العراق

The College of Islamic Sciences Organizes a Symposium on the Crimes of the Ba'ath Party in Iraq

The College of Islamic Sciences held an academic symposium titled "The Crimes of the Ba'ath Party in Iraq: A Historical, Political, and Legal Analysis," presented by Dr. Iyad Karim and attended by a group of students.

The symposium addressed political repression, crimes against humanity, and systematic persecution, including arbitrary arrests and mass executions of Shiites, the Anfal campaign against the Kurds, and the use of chemical weapons. It also examined the economic and social consequences of these crimes, as well as the legal aspects of prosecuting Ba'ath Party leaders.

The event concluded with a discussion on ways to promote national reconciliation and ensure that such atrocities are never repeated.