The Foundations of Life Saving

The College of Medicine at Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him), in collaboration with the "Regional Center for Emergency Medicine," held a training workshop on the fundamentals of life-saving for seniors and children. This workshop was presented to first-year students by emergency medicine specialists.

The Importance of First Aid for Medical College Students

The College of Medicine at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, in coordination with the Iraqi Red Crescent Society, Karbala Branch, organized a training workshop for the students of the college on "First Aid." The workshop included training participants on how to provide first aid to patients and injured individuals in emergency situations and accidents, covering all necessary steps to deal with these situations in a simplified manner, with practical application to facilitate learning and wise decision-making to prevent these problems.

The College of Engineering in an Official Visit to Baghdad International Fair

The College of Engineering conducted an official visit to the Baghdad International Fair with the aim of keeping pace with development and innovation at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, and to stay informed about all that is new in the public and private sectors. We are committed to providing training programs for our dear students and conducting workshops and developmental seminars on campus.
Mr. Hussein Hadi, the respected Assistant Professor and Dean of the College of Engineering, led a delegation of faculty members to visit the Baghdad International Fair on Thursday, January 18, 2024. During the visit, the delegation held meetings with several international and local companies specialized in various fields including energy, oil drilling safety, professional safety, air conditioning, and refrigeration devices.
They expressed their full readiness to organize workshops, seminars, and training sessions for the dear students and to continue collaboration across all scientific levels.

The phenomenon of addiction is a societal issue that requires everyone's vigilance

The College of Medicine at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon him) organized a workshop titled "(The Misuse of Psychoactive Substances and Their Psychological and Physical Effects and Treatment Methods)." The workshop was presented by Dr. Jasim Mohammed Hashim Al-Mousawi, a consultant in psychiatry. The workshop emphasized the need for concerted efforts to combat this scourge, which carries many risks, the most important of which is the spread of crime in its various forms.

Announcement of Winning Names According to Student Votes

The Department of Media and Government Communication announces the "winning photos in the university's photography competition" based on the competition's specific criteria:

Student Ahmad Salwan, number of likes 210
Student Karar Shaban, number of likes 43
Student Reem Ahmad, number of likes 28

On the occasion of the Iraqi Army's National Day and its 103rd anniversary, I extend my heartfelt congratulations to the army

 This day represents the history and present of Iraq and its people, who have made sacrifices, shown heroism, and achieved victories to defend their identity, existence, and national belonging.
As we celebrate the army's forces in all their forms, I am confident that the army will continue to be a strong shield for the nation, representing all its people. It will defend Iraq and the future of its ambitious citizens who aspire to a life of dignity, prosperity, and a noble tomorrow.
I wish the army every success, well-being, and eternal remembrance for the martyrs who bravely sacrificed their lives for their country.
Dr. Naeem Al-Aboodi,
Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
January 6, 2024.


We would like to inform our dear students that the registration team will be available tomorrow, Sunday, from 8 AM to 5 PM to receive and assist you in completing the application process.
Seize the last opportunity to apply to the colleges and departments of Warith Al-Anbiyaa University (peace be upon him) (# Except for the College of Medicine).
For inquiries, please contact the following numbers: Short number: 5751
07801003060   07734896226
University location: Holy Karbala - Baghdad-Karbala Road - Next to the city of Sayyid Al-Awsiya (peace be upon him) for visitors.

Engineering college students start their first practical application lessons

With direct supervision from the College of Engineering's deanship, first-year students in the Biomedical Engineering department have begun their first practical workshops for the Engineering Drawing course. This comes in light of the importance of practical training in refining the scientific skills of students and linking them to the theoretical aspect, in order to provide them with a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

"Workshop on the Importance of Electronic Programs at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa"

In an ongoing effort to enhance the use of technology and improve the e-learning experience, the College of Sciences at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them) organized a training workshop on "Electronic Programs and Their Importance," targeting first-year students.
This workshop aligns with the university's commitment to adopting electronic governance in all aspects of university life, representing a crucial step towards integrating technology and education. The workshop focused on introducing students to important electronic programs available at the university, such as the Warith application, the e-learning system, the Bologna ministerial track, official email, and others.
Designed to enhance students' skills in using these programs and improve their understanding of the university's electronic infrastructure, the workshop aims to equip them with the necessary knowledge to fully benefit from these tools throughout their academic journey. This approach reflects the university's dedication to providing a modern and advanced learning environment that meets the needs of students in the era of advanced technology.

"University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Council Addresses Important Issues in its Regular Session"

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them) held its regular council session under the presidency of Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi. The meeting was attended by the vice presidents of the university for administrative and academic affairs, as well as the deans of the colleges.
The session focused on discussing and making vital decisions that serve the university's interests and enhance the quality of education and services provided to students. The topics covered a diverse range of academic and administrative aspects.
Discussions revolved around strategic plans for academic development and improving the learning environment, providing necessary support for research and scientific departments. The council also reviewed the university's performance in the current academic semester and monitored the delivery of administrative services.
These meetings reflect the university's commitment to achieving academic and administrative excellence, promoting transparency, and ensuring effective governance within the institution. This activity is part of the university's efforts to enhance the quality of education and develop its academic and administrative infrastructure.

"Official Visit by the 'Education and Control Committee' Commends Safety Standards at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa"

In a move reflecting a commitment to safety standards in scientific education, the "Education and Control Committee for Minimizing Chemical Accidents in Laboratories and Storage," under the "National Control Authority," conducted an official visit to the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them).
The high-level delegation was warmly received by the university's leadership, and the committee conducted an on-site tour within the university's corridors and educational laboratories. This visit provided committee members with an opportunity to inspect the laboratory infrastructure and ensure the university's adherence to safety standards and preventive measures.
At the conclusion of the tour, the "Education and Control Committee" praised the university's high quality and clear commitment to implementing safety guidelines and instructions. The committee expressed appreciation for the university's earnest efforts in ensuring a safe and healthy learning environment for students and staff.
This meeting is part of the constructive collaboration between educational institutions and regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with the highest safety and quality standards in the field of scientific education.

Mourning Vigil

The College of Engineering at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them) witnessed a touching mourning vigil. Faculty and students gathered to commemorate the soul of the virtuous young student, Hassanein Mahdi Aboud, who was studying in the Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technologies in the fourth stage.
With the presence of the college's administration and students, solidarity and compassion were evident in this sad moment. The collective images from the gathering reflect the spirit of loyalty and solidarity in the university community. "To Allah, we belong, and to Him, we shall return."

"President of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Welcomes Head of System Maintenance Department at the Holy Shrine to Enhance Cooperation"

In the context of strengthening collaboration and building ties between educational and religious institutions, Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, the President of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (AS), welcomed Hajj Rasool Fadhlah, the Head of the System Maintenance Department at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain.
During the meeting, potential areas of collaboration between the university and the Holy Shrine were discussed, emphasizing the importance of exchanging experiences and knowledge between both parties. The discussions also touched upon joint efforts that could contribute to enhancing education and scientific research in various fields.
As a gesture of cooperation, gifts and commemorative shields were exchanged between the two parties, reflecting a high level of understanding and mutual respect. This meeting is part of ongoing efforts to promote communication between scientific and religious institutions, fostering productive collaboration in the realms of knowledge and education.
The meeting highlights the mutual interest of the university and the Holy Shrine in building bridges of communication and achieving convergence between leading institutions in the community.

Seminar on the Importance of Joining the Accountants' Union

With the aim of enhancing the academic level of the students at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (AS), the Accounting Department at the College of Management and Economics, in collaboration with the Union of Accountants and Auditors/Karbala Branch, organized a scientific seminar titled "The Accountants' Union and Its Importance." The seminar provided an introductory overview of the union, emphasizing its significance. Additionally, it addressed the needs of the job market for accountants and auditors equipped with sufficient knowledge in their field.

University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Presidency Meets with First-Year Students

Mr. President of the University, Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, welcomed first-year students at the College of Medicine. During their meeting, he congratulated them on their acceptance into the college, urging them to adhere to official schedules, regulations, and university instructions. Additionally, he encouraged them to strive for knowledge and academic excellence.

"Basic Life Support" Workshop for Medical Students at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa

The College of Medicine, in collaboration with the Directorate of Emergency Medical Operations and Services, organized a training workshop for medical students titled "Basic Life Support (BLS) for Seniors and Children." The workshop was delivered by the Director of Emergency Medical Operations and Services, Consultant Doctor Fadel Aklaa Al-Rubaie.

Administrative Assistant Mr. Dr. Nofel Al-Araji's Inspection Tour with Our Esteemed Students at the College of Engineering, and Inside the Engineering Workshops

An inspection tour was conducted by Mr. Dr. Nofel Al-Araji, the Administrative Assistant, with our dear students at the College of Engineering and inside the engineering workshops. The aim was to assess the progress of the educational process and inspect the workshops' needs for devices and equipment that contribute to enhancing the students' academic performance.

University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Secures 3rd Position in the Global Ranking of UIGreenMetric

The University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (AS) has achieved the 3rd position among private universities in the global UIGreenMetric ranking. This outstanding accomplishment is a result of diligent efforts by the university's leadership.
The university secured the third position among private universities, twelfth among governmental and private Iraqi universities, and ranked 404 globally. This achievement follows continuous and thorough monitoring of the requirements of this ranking, ensuring compliance to achieve and enhance sustainable development goals. The university also actively promotes environmental initiatives and sustainable innovations.
It is worth mentioning that the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (AS) has previously entered several global and local rankings, with its most recent achievement being the British ASIC institutional academic accreditation. This reflects its commitment to advancing the scientific landscape in our beloved country.

Initial Discussions for Biomedical Engineering Projects at the College of Engineering

The initial discussions for projects of students at the College of Engineering, specifically in the Biomedical Engineering Department, took place under the supervision of a scientific committee appointed by the department's leadership.
Best wishes to all our esteemed students for success and prosperity.

"Educational Visit for Engineering College Students at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa to Al-Musayyib Power Station"

The College of Engineering, Department of Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Technologies, organized an educational visit for fourth-year students along with faculty members to Al-Musayyib Thermal Power Station. The visit included an exploration of the power generation units and their main components, as well as a tour of the station's control unit with an explanation of how to monitor electricity production. This visit aims to support the educational process and achieve positive effects directly on the engineer's life, providing real-world experiences during the visit through observation and hands-on learning.

"University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa Presidency Meets with First-Year Students"

Mr. President of the University, Professor Dr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, met with first-year students at the College of Medicine. He welcomed them and congratulated them on their acceptance into the college, urging them to adhere to official schedules, regulations, and university instructions. He also encouraged them to strive for knowledge as they are the future doctors. LastChance to apply (for the second round) to the colleges and departments of the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (AS) (Except Medicine).

"Honoring Excellence: Success Story Program Recognition Event with University President Ibrahim Al-Hayawi"

In the presence of Mr. Ibrahim Al-Hayawi, the President of the University, the Department of Student Activities at the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa (peace be upon them) is organizing an event to honor the university students who have excelled in the "Success Story" program. The program was conducted in collaboration with the Youth Care Center in the Department of Human Resources Development at the Holy Shrine of Imam Hussain.

"Warm Welcome to First-Year Students: Official Session at the College of Medicine""

Directly, the first-year students at the College of Medicine attended the official session, where they were received by the college deanship. Our best wishes to all our dear students for success and prosperity.

A conference on cardiac surgery and treatment in the city of Dubai.

"Dubai is hosting a specialized conference on cardiac surgery and treatment from October 28 to 29, under the supervision of the British Heart Association in collaboration with the Emirates Heart Association. Dr. Falah Al-Hamami, representing the University of Warith Al-Anbiyaa, has been invited by the conference organizers to deliver a lecture on the subject, making him the sole Iraqi speaker participating in this prominent medical event."
